By Bronwyn Ison
How many masks are you donning? Are you disguising yourself in fear of what others may believe about you? Do you have multiple masks for different occasions? Isn’t this exhausting? Do you fear you will be judged? Do you conform to how you want people to perceive you? If you didn’t answer YES to all the above questions as you reflect on one time or another in your life… you are wearing a mask of denial. We’ve all felt this way at one time or another. It’s time to get real!
Jettison the multiple masks that we countenance translates you are going to have to get real with yourself. This will necessitate you to be candid with yourself and those around you. The task is daunting and laborious. You’ve become so accustomed to the array of masks in your closet that you know exactly which one to wear at any given time. I would call this type a person a professional chameleon. Pretending they have it all together, all the time, diluting others to believe they are something they are not. Listen, we’ve all been there.
The rewards of getting real with yourself and being true to others out ways any mask that you put on to be something that you are not. I relate to wearing masks because I was quite good at having my own disguise. I realized it was time to look on the inside so I could be more myself on the outside. You have to believe you are beautiful on the inside. You need to possess self-worth. This is what people want to see in each of us. Who wants to see a façade version of you? The people I desire on my radar are those who are or who have shed their cloak. Would you want to be in the company of someone who constantly disingenuous?
Have you ever thought you may be your own worst enemy? Getting real and being honest may be the simple ingredients to propel you to immeasurable success. There are abundant rewards waiting for you. Sugarcoating the removal of masks would be a fallacy. Undeniably it will be some of the most challenging works you have ever experienced.
Imagine if you were able to remove the nagging monkey that has been on your back for years or decades? How would this change your life? Take forgiveness for example. It is one the hardest endeavors for another human to do. When you choose not to forgive, you carry the weight. It is your pride that precludes you from forgiving. Jettison the weight, forgive and move on. Easier said than done and a whole other topic made for another article.
Masks are destructive to all relationships. Your true character is what others desire of you. Living open and honest will elevate you to higher places. Living a lie isn’t a path to prosperous living or an abundant life. You will need to dig deep, stop the pretending and make a decision to be real.
Remove the toxicity from your life and dispose of the masks that you have created. One needs to be ready to take ownership and responsibility. You cannot surmount what you won’t admit. Hiding behind masks tears you apart on the inside and ruins relationships with others.
Take a leap of faith and commence getting REAL. Remember, the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com