The iconic Nike slogan, Just Do It, and Shia LaBeouf’s motivational speech by the same title, reminds us that we must take action if we desire a great life. It is our right to Live Large…but ain’t nobody gonna do it for us. It is our individual choice to grab our License to Live Large and get moving in the direction of our dreams.
In this week’s edition, I had the pleasure of interviewing, Jeff Harrison, a retired pro golfer turned digital marketing guru. He too has learned that action and forward motion is the key to creating a great life.
LTLL: At what point in your life did you realize your License to Live Large?
Jeff: I remember reading a book as a young boy by Maxwell Maltz regarding psycho-cybernetics. It made me begin asking for more out of life, including more out of myself. As a young athlete, it made me want to not just be on the team, but the best on the team. Not at the sacrifice of others of course, just for me to realize, what I think is my best, maybe I could elevate it. I have had a hunger for learning and being my best since…
LTLL: Who was influential in helping or discouraging you growing up?
Jeff: I would have to give direct credit to my mom and dad. They would say to me, “If you’re going to do anything, do it to be the best.” This saying even helped me turn the negatives I sometimes got from my 8th grade English teacher, like her telling me I would not do x or y…into being inspired to excel, just to show her I could.
LTLL: How does current business, SwingPointMedia, Inc., assist you in creating a Live Large Life for yourself and others?
Jeff: SwingPointMedia operates in a world of creativity. Meaning, we have unlimited access to a world that when a client walked in did not exist, and we get to create this together. This opportunity creates an amazing win-win for our clients. Our goal is very simple, we want our efforts and fees to be returned in such a way that our clients see a 3 times return.
In this process of creativity, the customer often is searching for something they cannot recognize, allowing us to be like treasure hunters and helping them put an “X” on their map.
LTLL: What tip can you offer to our readers that they too feel compelled to use their License to Live Large?
Jeff: Start. This is probably the biggest stealer of dreams. People have these ideas and desires to move mountains, and then stop before they begin. I am guilty. In the past, if someone has given me their opinion and it undermines my confidence… then our monkey brains talks us out of action…Start and know that this imperfect action will lead you to what you need to climb that mountain.
Thank you to Jeff for reminding us that it is our job to keep moving forward…even if the outcome is not perfect. We cannot create a great life we are standing still.
Coachella Valley, do you have a story to share? Please email me at elizabeth@coachellavalleyweekly.com for your chance to be interviewed and featured.
Elizabeth Scarcella, Founder of Go Get Young and Co-Owner of Rx2Fitness, helps others create the life of their dreams. Reach her at info@gogetyoung.tv
Jeff Harrison, CEO and co-founder of SwingPointMedia, a digital marketing agency focuses on leveraging video and paid advertising to help small businesses get more sales. Reach him at jeff@swingpointmedia.com