Touring with Eagles of Death Metal and her NEWEST VIDEO RELEASE!
By Lisa Morgan
On the heels of a new album release, Techno-Pop empress, Jesika Von Rabbit prepares for the international tour of a life time with the world renowned American rock band, Eagles of Death Metal. She’ll be opening for the band that consists of monster musicians Joshua Homme (Queens of the Stone Age), Jesse Hughes (Boots Electric) and Dave Catching (Queens of the Stone Age, Mojave Lords, Mondo Generator). CV Weekly got a hold of her just in time to announce the launch of her new video and her last local show before dancing the world electric.
CVW: Tell us about your latest album.
Rabbit: “My album has been out for a few months now. The vinyl was just released in July on Dionysus Records. I recorded it alone at my home studio in Joshua Tree and Todd Rutherford (Gram Rabbit) helped mix it. This record isn’t really as much of a departure for me (from her other highly successful project, Gram Rabbit) as people like to think. From the beginning, Gram Rabbit has always equally mixed electronics with organic, more specifically on our album Radio Angel and the Robot Beat.
CVW: What is your philosophy about your music today, what your goals are for your music career, and your approach to the music business these days?
Rabbit: “I don’t really have a philosophy. I just write songs that I like and hope other people do too. As far as goals go, I think it’s best to keep those a secret. I’m not sure what or how my approach of the music business has changed. The music business itself changes so frequently. It’s hard to know how to keep up with it or what kind of strategy to have, so I don’t really worry about it too much. I just try and work hard and be grateful for every opportunity that comes my way and hope everything falls in to place. I am truly lucky to have such a great base of fans, so if you’re one of them reading this, thank you !”
CVW: How did you become part of the incredible international tour with Eagles of Death Metal?
Rabbit: “I love the guys in Eagles and had asked them about “Gram” opening a show of theirs in October. Their agent called back with a full tour offer. So that all came together pretty brilliantly.
Rabbit will be joining the tour with EODM with her solo project starting September 9th and with Gram Rabbit in October. You can keep up with all of these dates via www.jesikavonrabbit.com
You will have only a few chances to catch Jesika Von Rabbit this year so make sure you make one of these shows:
THIS FRIDAY, Aug.28th with bands War Drum and Ideation @ Schmidy’s Tavern, Palm Desert
Saturday, Aug.29th @ Pappy & Harriet’s Campout 11 with band, Cracker.
Friday, Oct. 30th & Sat. Oct. 31st @ Pappy & Harriet’s for Gram Rabbit’s 11th Annual Halloween Ball
And now, without further ado, Jesika Von Rabbit’s latest video from her new album, shot by director and partner in crime, Jessica Janos (aka Illuminaughty): Glamorous Misery by Jesika Von Rabbit, and starring Cade Carradine: hvimeo.com/137221332
Also, check out “Psychic Spice” @ www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLIr525ZKBM