By Janet McAfee
We were born into a nice family who had several dogs. One day there was a crisis and we barely escaped our apartment flooding. Our family moved to a small motel room, and they got in trouble for having too many of us dogs. They didn’t have very much money and could not move anywhere else. There was no news about when our apartment would be ready. We were only 2 months old.
On June 24, 2024, our owner contacted Loving All Animals. We went to a wonderful foster home with Marie Marcinko. We heard that Marie, a retired nurse, has fostered over 150 dogs for LAA, many of them litters of moms with nursing pups. One of us is named after her. We played during the days and snuggled together at night at Marie’s home. Our future seemed bright!
Puppy Marie tells us what happened Sunday, August 18, “Jolie didn’t want to play anymore. I was worried when I saw my sister vomit. Monday morning our foster Mom tried to feed her to eat by syringe, but she had diarrhea. Then I began to feel sick too. Loving All Animals arranged for us both to go to Urgent Care of the Desert.”
“Our Parvo tests were negative, but they were worried because we were so young. Dr. Goldstein administered SubQ fluids and medication for us. I kept looking at my sister who was barely moving. I was scared because I loved my best friend, Jolie. They gave us more tests which showed a “severe coccidia infection” caused by parasites. Jolie’s condition also had colitis and gastroenteritis. With love and great medical care, Jolie got well! I was overjoyed when she came home at 10pm under Marie’s outpatient care.”
Did you know dog siblings double the joy in your home? Our foster Mom said, “Jolie the smallest pup is active, independent and holds her own in wrestling bouts with Marie. She rarely barks, is affectionate on her own terms but would rather play. Marie is very smart, the leader, she loves to wrestle and play and then lay next to you on the couch.”
Some people wanted to adopt just one of us but thankfully they never came to visit. On Saturday, October 12 we went to a fun event for animals, Rescue Rancho Mirage at the library. We were there for only 10 minutes when Susan and her 2 friends came to meet both of us. It was love at first sight and we kissed our foster Mom goodbye. There was more celebration when Susan adopted Daisy from the county Coachella Valley Animal Campus. There were now 3 of us to run and play!
Our second Mom Laura was not at the adoption event. We would be a surprise! How could she not fall in love with us? We love to sit beside Laura. We met our new brother Riley….we practically have our own dog park in our backyard!
Our wonderful Mom Susan said, “These dogs are fantastic! Jolie and Marie love to chase balls, and sometimes they steal Daisy’s toys. The puppies touch noses every night as if to say Goodnight to each other. Then Marie touches my nose as if to say Thank you and Goodnight!” From homeless to a home filled with love and joy.
Loving All Animals has rescued and rehomed thousands of animals in need like Jolie and Marie. They include animals left in cardboard boxes, pets losing homes in the housing crisis, and frightened animals in crowded public shelters. More animals roam our streets and fields in need of food and comfort. Most of them, like these puppies, have never been to a vet.
Thanks to their life saving foster parents like Marie Marcinko who keeps in touch with her adopters. MORE FOSTERS ARE NEEDED! Become a foster parent by filling out the volunteer application at www.lovingallanimals.org. People with or without other pups can foster. You can donate online or mail a check to Loving All Animals at 83496 Avenue 51, Coachella, CA 92236. THANKS FOR BEING AN ANIMAL HERO!