Every July 4th Law Enforcement Introduces increased DUI Enforcement. This year was no different, when on June 20th, 2024 The Desert Sun reported, PS Police again announced “all hands on deck.” But, what’s in a name? The bottom line is Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.
The 4th of July is Independence Day in the USA. It is the annual celebration of nationhood. It commemorates the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. Every country celebrates its birth or freedom. In Mexico it is NOT Cinco de Mayo as most Americans think, but rather September 16, Diez y Seis de Septiembre.
Every July 4th is an excuse to party and innocently drink more than one should. After drinking in the sun at BBQ’s, drivers believing they are “not drunk”, get behind the wheel while impaired and get in an accident or arrested for DUI.
The truth is you don’t have to be drunk and to be honest, there is no crime called drunk driving. The correct term is “Driving Under the Influence”, and that means being impaired, not drunk. In California we look at a chemical test reading of .08 or higher as being under the influence. A DUI Arrest or Accident can be the result…so as a DUI Attorney for over 40 years, I’ll wait by the phone!
After a July 4th accident, the most important things is to gather info using your cell phone, not talking to insurance company… and then getting medical treatment. My office can help you obtain a doctor to take the case on a lien, in most situations. Of course, one of the first things accident victims ask is, “what is the value of my case?”
The value is based, in part, on your medicals. A diary, of your pain and suffering, should be taken to every doctor’s appointment. The diary allows us to track what is happening when you write down what is hurting you from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes.
When contacted by any insurance company, explain you would be happy to talk, but your lawyer asked you to get his permission before you talk to anyone. That way, you are the good guy, and we are the bad guys.
Insurance adjusters will tell you anything, to stop you from retaining a lawyer. They will lie and say an attorney will take 40-50% when it is 33% on most cases.
Don’t settle to fast as some medical issues develop over time. You may lose out on future medical treatment and your loss of earnings.
When we can’t get a fair offer, we file and start civil litigation. Civil litigation is confusing for lawyers. For non-lawyers…it is a nightmare! Most lawyers, unlike our office, fail to educate their clients about what to expect.
For instance, there are 4 phases to a Civil Accident Lawsuit:
A Complaint, or Pleadings, explains what the defendant did and how much is demanded. The defendant files an Answer or a Demurrer (where they claim there is not enough evidence to proceed).
In the Discovery phase, both sides share evidence (facts) which hopefully helps to settle the matter. If you have to try a soft tissue accident case, you have lost. This is because soft tissue accident trials are costly.
The Post Trial Stage comes after the Trial, and if there is no insurance or not enough insurance, you must find assets to collect the judgement.
If the defendant disagrees, s/he can Appeal. Unfortunately, a trial is always a potential crap shoot.
SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE ARTICLE? CONTACT DALE GRIBOW 760.837.7500/ dale@dalegribowlaw.com
Dale Gribow is the “Go-To” Boutique Concierge 5 Star PI/DUI firm with over 25 Top Lawyer awards; 9 Man of the Year recognitions; 4 Dale Gribow Days and awarded “Mr. Charity”-recognizing dozens of philanthropic awards. The new limited caseload allows calls to be answered the “old fashioned” way…by Dale.
“Whether your case is accepted, I will personally direct you…because after 50 years, I know the best lawyers.”
Cut out this card!
Upon the advice of my attorney, Dale Gribow, I exercise my right to remain silent until you contact him at 760.837.7500 or dale@dalegribowlaw.com for an OK.
My attorney has advised me that the VOLUNTARY FIELD SOBRIETY (FST) AND BREATH TEST at the scene, are OPTIONAL (unless one is on probation). Thus, I elect not to take them. I want to cooperate and am happy to take a BLOOD TEST.