By Phil Lacombe
Name: Ken Lightcap
Where you tat: Body Accents Tattoo
Why you started tattooing: I started tattooing because I’ve always had a deep love for art and the subculture of Tattooing. I have been drawing since I was around eight years old and finally decided I wanted to be a tattoo artist when I was fifteen.
What style of tattooing do you enjoy the most: The style I enjoy tattooing the most is black and grey demonic imagery, even though a lot of my clients know me for doing colored tattoos. I like the styles of the big names people know such as Paul Booth, Bob Tyrrell, Victor Portugal, and Guy Aitchison.
Who inspires you to tattoo: Paul Booth was definitely the main artist that inspired me to tattoo. I loved his black and grey work of demons, skulls, and the absurd. I am naturally drawn to dark imagery because it catches your attention, evokes deep emotions, and a lot of the time is more detailed than any other style of artwork. I feel his style best represents the same imagery I see in my head. I use him as a great inspiration to accomplish my own goals as a developing artist.
If you could tattoo anywhere in the world where would you go: You know that’s something I never really thought about. I honestly focus more on finding a place to tattoo where I have peace, quiet, and time to focus on my work without being disturbed. If I had to pick a spot though, I’d definitely say Norway because the Black and Death Metal scene is huge in that country and I would definitely be tattooing the style I’d want to tattoo more often than where I tattoo now. This valley doesn’t have a high demand for skulls and devil heads. (laughs to self).
Tell me your favorite tattoo story about one of your clients: Wow, I really love this question because I have a funny story to share. I’m not going to share the name or the piece I was working on, but basically this client farted in my face. Haha I was working on this guy for about 6 months doing a big piece on his leg. Well on the second to last session he came in a little tipsy to take off the edge of the pain. I was working on him for about three hours before he started having a coughing fit. Mind you the position he way lying in on the gurney had his rear facing my face because I was working on the back of his leg. Once he started coughing, on each cough he would let out a fart. It happened three times back to back, and I almost lost it cracking up. I had to play cool, calm, and collected. However, in my head I was about to explode with laughter. My buddy Dave and I just looked at each other with the hugest grins, and I said to my client, “I’m going step outside for a smoke real quick so you can collect yourself.” Once I stepped outside I lost it completely and couldn’t stop laughing for a good five to ten minutes. Good times being a tattoo artist haha I finished the session however.
Body Accents Tattoo
(760) 340-1331
73885 Hwy 111 suite 3 Palm Desert, Ca 92260