Are you a woman of a certain age? With some life behind you giving up on how you look isn’t an option and you know age is just a number. You may also have these inspirational attributes:
YOU are unashamed about going all out for yourself and having the body YOU want
It’s important for YOU to feel sexy and confident
YOU are goal-oriented and certainly haven’t given up on life. In fact, YOU are revving up more than ever
YOU won’t settle for less and constantly expand your goals
YOU are involved in life, your community, and socially active
YOU are outcome-oriented and are determined to get that last bit of weight off and keep it off
Keto is for You
If you’re ready to pivot and find a diet that meets your goals and works like a charm, then look no further. Keto has the potential to be your last diet ever.
However, you may be wondering about the effectiveness of Keto for “women of a certain age” and if you could abide by the diet and if it’s healthy. The beauty of Keto is that its science based and so different from other weight loss diet plans that sometimes it sparks concern, particularly regarding women’s health. The effects of Keto on women is often misunderstood. Keto has a positive impact on weight loss and hormones and is a win-win for women. With Keto you easily kick your metabolism into high gear and enjoy the many benefits of weight loss, health, better moods, energy, mental clarity, and vitality in a relatively short time.
The Standard American Diet (SAD) is not helping you age gracefully. It’s full of carbs and processed foods that don’t support your long-term goals for mental, emotional and physical health. A diet like Keto that is low in carbohydrates and rich in animal and plant fats is far better for managing insulin sensitivity, brain health, inflammation, and overall better quality of life.
Get Your Sexy Back
No matter your age Keto will ensure that you lose that last bit of weight for good and get your body back. It’s never too late to feel sexy, confident and comfortable in your skin. You can live your best life and thrive on Keto and get the outcome you have been searching for. You can count on Keto to unlock your confidence, increase willpower, and guarantee weight loss. Especially when combined with coaching. Ask me more about how to get started and set a plan for your success. Book a complimentary 30 minute consult.
About Michelle Borthwick: Michelle is a Keto Lifestyle coach, a Seasoned expert on Customized Keto. Keto weight loss results can be improved with Coaching, Customization, accountability, and a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Michelle offers private sessions, proven Keto diet hacks, meal plans, proprietary customization, goal setting and more. If you are interested in customizing Keto for you and your lifestyle, book a complimentary private coaching session online at KetoIsEasyCoach.com