By Sunny Simon

If you are currently in a job search and think the holidays will stall the process, I have some cheery news to bolster your spirit. Often managers need to spend their headcount budgets before the end of the year or they may lose the funding. Use it or lose it scenarios create a sense of urgency for the employer that can send a job offer your way before you can proclaim, “Happy New Year.” Additionally, many companies initiate the recruiting process in December to fill openings slotted in their new hiring budgets which begin in January.

Rather than humbugging the month of December as job search downtime, start implementing some proactive strategies to ensure your pockets will jingle in 2014. Begin by attending holiday parties with employment in mind. Count on the bright holiday season to work it’s magic by making people receptive to your needs. Network while you party. When making new friends, be sure to put your best foot forward and make a good impression. Limit your alcohol intake and the lure of camping out at the holiday buffet. Seasonal gatherings give you the opportunity to make some new contact referrals. Mention your job search and you may pick up job leads and offers to network on your behalf. With a sprinkling of luck, you may even discover your cousin’s date works for an organization on your target list.

Remember when you are networking you are not asking for a job. You are simply inquiring for additional networking contacts to help extend your reach. Don’t attend the party empty handed. Go prepared. In addition to bringing a hostess gift, be sure to arm yourself with personal business cards detailing your contact information.


Take advantage of the fact that your fellow job seekers are spending time at the mall. Less rivalry over coveted job openings means your resume gets more attention from hiring managers. Invest some effort in polishing your LinkedIn profile. Recruiters are on the prowl to fill the candidate pipeline for the new budget year.

A final thought, if you have time on your hands due to a recent lay-off, take advantage of the many opportunities to volunteer and help others in need. Using your time for goodwill and giving back offers its own rewards. Also, it never hurts to rack up points on the good girl or boy list. You may be rewarded in return. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at

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