Is there that hard to buy for someone special in your life? I don’t think anything could be more special than to say Happy Holidays by giving a gift of “life safety” says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.
Here are some gift ideas for anyone. Smoke detectors and batteries. Every house could use an extra. A quality all purpose fire extinguisher. Most homes don’t have them. Flashlight and batteries or light sticks. A first-aid kit. An automobile safety kit including jumper cables, flares, fix-a-flat, reflectors. A carbon monoxide detector. A second floor escape ladder. An “Emergency preparedness kit”- energy bars, water, battery radio, flashlight/light sticks and a first-aid kit packed in a small travel bag. A talking smoke detector if they have small children. A bicycle helmet.
Anyone of these would make a great gift of life.
Merry Christmas!
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna