By Sunny Simon
I’ve never been excited about a doctor’s appointment, but I find myself looking forward to meeting an orthopedic surgeon next week. The back story is several years ago I finished my knee off during a rigorous hiking regimen. Having developed knee injuries dating back to my college cheerleading days, it was just a matter of time before my right hinge-joint would up and quit on me.
I’ve put off surgery for a few years because I’m not in severe pain, just limited in what I can accomplish. For example, running a 5K is out of the question, but to be honest, even with two good knees you would never find me in a sprinting event. I needed to find an enticing reason to gear up for a surgery that according to many is far from easy, but worth it.
It finally happened thanks to my friend, Irma, one of my favorite people. She is a fun-loving character full of love, compassion, and trustworthiness all intermingled with a good measure of mischief. When I read on Facebook that Irma was taking tap dancing lessons, my intuition gave me a firm nudge as if to shout, “That is the reason to get your knee fixed.” Right! I have a fair sense of rhythm and have always wanted to wear buckle-strap shoes clad with aluminum taps that will make some noise! I immediately reached for the phone and scheduled the long overdue appointment.
Okay, you may not be interested in my future tap dancing career, but hear my message. It begins with procrastination. I recently read a statement that resonated with me. “Procrastination is a delay tactic having the ability to choke your dreams and abort the plans.” I doubt dragging my feet about a knee replacement was choking my dreams, but it was causing a very slight limp and inhibiting my ability to fully participate in some events.
In the words of Victor Kiam, “Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin.” True enough, however; here is the core of my message: when procrastination strikes, keep drilling down until you find an undeniable reason to stop dragging your feet and start taking action. Find the impetus to get you off the dime and begin engaging in what makes you the best you can be. Whether the exploit involves something as significant as using your gifts to change the lives of others, or simply tapping your feet to ‘Uptown Funk,” uncover a motive to face your fears and get the job done.
Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching and the author of the blog, www.lifeonthesunnyside.net