by Sunny Simon

Whenever I teach a stress management seminar, I begin by reminding attendees we all have too much stuff. I urge people to go through their homes, offices, garages, cars and purge. Vow to keep something only if it is useful, beautiful or gives you joy. Donate what you no longer need. It is amazing how much energy we free up when we lighten our load.

Beyond material things, other issues need examining. Think about the clutter you carry around internally.  What issues have you left unresolved? Are there situations you should deal with but continue to tolerate, thus giving away your power? Should you be letting go of something or someone?  Do you keep looking back rather living in the present moment? Are you tightly holding on to resentments rather than forgiving and freeing this emotional clutter?

Once you have identified these problems, fears and anxieties, the next step is to write down the critical items that prohibit your peace of mind. Then ask yourself…what is the solution? Prioritize the list. Start working on what bothers you most. For example, does someone need your forgiveness, or do you need to be pardoned? Forgiveness can reset our mental focus. The original Sanskrit meaning of forgiveness is to untie. Once you untie the choking hold of anger you will free your mind and release stress.


Is it time to stop withholding your voice? That means you must face situations by taking your power back. Stand up and be heard. Do not allow fear to block possibilities. Be ready to win respect by acting on your convictions. Remember, it is not your job to keep everyone happy. Your mission is to be true to yourself. Have you been playing it safe for fear of being hurt? Reflect on your strengths, and then pick up where you left off before you caved and relinquished your power.

My final word on lightening your load is to stop starting projects on a whim. Do you really need to hand knit your son a sweater, or will store-bought do? How about that do-it-yourself outdoor lounge chair you think would make an interesting project. Packing those unnecessary jobs into an already overloaded day only adds to your stress level. Here is my suggestion. Make a pitcher of lemonade, spread a blanket out in your backyard, stretch out with a good book then breathe a sigh of contentment. Congratulations, you are on the right path to lightening your load! Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at

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