By Jennifer Tan AKA Mrs Fett
We have all done it. If we haven’t, we are planning it. If we can’t do it, we all want to. I am talking about the insatiable urge, to attend at least one Con, and horde as much loot and swag into a marketing encased vessel we call a swag bag. I do it. I love it. My favorite part of working the amazing conventions I do, is the moment I get home, to wherever it is that I was staying, dumping my bag of loot on the bed, and digging into it looking for things to trade, share and play with.
For those of you not luckily enough to attend conventions, the great minds behind Loot Crate have a gift for you. Actually, it’s a monthly gift. Each month, over 75k subscribers, wait eagerly for their themed box of wonder. Inside is a T-shirt, sized just for you (yes even women’s sizes!), toys, gadgets, stickers, cards, and more. Each T-shirt is custom designed to match the theme for that month, and is well worth the subscription price for just that alone.
Subscriptions are monthly, quarterly, and annually, with automatic renewal. Use code GAEMSGIRL and receive 10% off your subscription when signing up! The longer your subscription, the less you pay per box, with subscriptions just under $20.00. Subscriptions can be gifted as well, and makes a fantastic, unexpected surprise for the S/O, or halfling. This month, after you subscribe, Loot Crate is offering a $5 sign-up bonus, for every person you get to sign up, so after just 4 people, you have paid for your box for the month. I of course, cannot participate, but I encourage you to do so! Use the code, refer more people, and you could come out on top here!
I received my first Loot crate a few weeks ago, and did my first unboxing video on YouTube, a trend not only growing, but encouraged by the Loot Crate team. The theme was Warriors, and featured a shirt with 26 iconic gaming warriors, each relating to a letter in the alphabet. I also received a wonderful CatBug bow tie from Black Tie Geek, a bacon heart greeting card that I so lovingly altered and returned to them, stickers, a Dunny Figurine, and a Gas Powered Stick cinch bag.
The team over at Loot Crate is wonderful. Happy, whimsical friends, who gather together, to bring boxes of joy to the geeky masses. Matt Petralia, Community Manager at Loot Crate, was gracious enough to let me in their magic offices for a special tour and sneak peek what’s to come! So what was it like? It was Narnia. A large metal door (camouflaged with the previous tenant’s huge sign above it) guarded the large warehouse office, filled with toys, 8-Bit decals, TONS of Nerf Guns, and sometimes cookies. Upstairs, tucked away above the assembly line, was the Loot Crate Lounge. Leather chairs and sofas, GAEMS Vanguards, Xbox consoles, and cameras. A fine setup if I do say so myself!
This month’s theme is TITAN. Although I cannot say specifically what will be in this month’s crate, I do know for sure that Titanfall will be participating in a major way. Head over to www.LootCrate.com today, to sign up before you miss out on this month’s crate! O Yeah! Did I mention that every month winners are chosen for the Mega Crate?! Over $250.00 worth of loot, only available to win by subscribers!