By Bronwyn Ison
Have you ever wondered how someone has achieved a certain goal? Or, obtained a distinct accolade? More than likely this person set a goal with absolute clarity? Knowing what you want and how you plan to achieve your goal is essential. Keep in mind you must be willing to pay the price to get there. The price may be late nights, early mornings, hustling on the weekends and missing out on certain things you love doing to build your dream. If you’re willing to do what it takes then it’s time to get to work.
Defining your goals is everything. One must truly have clear goals and objectives. If you’re planning on building your career or your own business it’s essential to map out what it is you want. It’s important to map out clear intentions and what you’re trying to accomplish. If you don’t know, then sit down and start writing out your thoughts. You’ll absently wander aimlessly if you do not have a clear direction. All to look back own your life and wonder what happened.
Making more money or building your career should not be your goal. Goals are very specific. You can have daily goals, weekly, monthly, yearly and lifetime aspirations. Yet, they’re nothing if you don’t put your thoughts into action. You must also have measurable goals.
Say for instance you sell a product and you would like to exceed your sales by 15% from last year. This is a measurable goal. You can put a number on it and do your best to achieve your written goal. You can also be very precise and detailed about what it is you’re trying to achieve.
When I set my goals, I implement a lot of visualization. What does that mean? I see myself doing what I want. I write down what I’d like to see in my future. You may consider participating with a group and mapping out a vision board. This a great way to gain clarity. Plus, you’re sharing your ideas with others which may hold you responsible for carrying out your goals.
You’ll be astonished by what you will do in your life if you make simple changes to your everyday life. Remember, no action, no reward. We have one opportunity in life to go after what we want. Neglect the naysayers and show them what you’re all about.
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga & www.e-volveyoga.com Yoga, Wellness and Balanced Living ON DEMAND. 50+ motiving and inspiring yoga classes. Anytime & Anywhere. www.evolveyogaonline.com Better For It Now, a signature 7-Principle Program to improved self-care and confidence.