By: Bronwyn Ison
Exercise is at the pinnacle of New Year’s resolutions. Is obtaining an exercise routine in 2019 a goal you have set for yourself? Statistics show gym memberships soar commencing each New Year. Yet, as the year passes only 60% of those memberships are acted upon. Generally gyms offer incentives to entice the highly motivated future client. Will you stay true to your resolution? Are you being realistic about your goals? What is your track record in sustaining your past resolutions?
Along with exercise you may have other important goals you want to attain. Categorizing and simplifying will make all the difference in your successes. Refrain from setting unrealistic goals for yourself. This will only result in frustration and poor follow through. Keeping a journal may be helpful. You can reflect upon your notes and this will keep you on track.
While researching, the 2019 resolutions are not less resolute from what the goals were in 2018. This raises an eyebrow with me. What happened last year that many of the same resolutions are still on the list? Does this mean there was poor, to little, or no follow through at all? Quite possible.
Resolutions generated in 2019 might have read. ~ Spend more time with family. Get FIT! Control your eating habits. Quit smoking. Enjoy life more! Quit drinking. Get out of debt. Learn something new. Help others.
These are excellent resolutions and possibly some great ideas for 2019. Here are the top 10 resolutions for 2019. Not far off from 2018.
- Enact a fitness regimen. Exercising is a way of life for many. Why not you? Getting in shape is vital to your overall health. You could add years to your life by exercising regularly. Add a workout routine to your life. Plus, it relieves stress.
- Spend time with family and friends. Spending time with your loved ones is important for lasting relationships, building trust and camaraderie and making memories. Take in a movie with a friend or meet with your mother coffee.
- Moderate your alcohol. Possibly you are trying to quit? This may be a goal too.
- Stop smoking. Stomp out the habit. Realize your considering quitting because you are cognizant it is an unhealthy lifestyle. Many over the counter nicotine replacement therapies are available.
- Eat healthy! Make wiser choices in your eating habits. Make time for a proper breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don’t forget to snack.
- Stop the junk food! Place snacks in your car or your desk drawer at work. It is just a simple to grab an apple or a handful of almonds.
- Manage your debt. There are millions of Americans who are stressed by their finances. Make a plan to get out of debt. Meet with a financial consultant or ask a savvy friend to help you devise a plan.
- Take up a hobby. Do that certain something you have always wanted. It can be a great outlet for you. Break the monotony and go for it!
- Help others. Reach out in your community. There are hundreds of charities in the Coachella Valley. Select a charity that resonates with your heart and you will be much more satisfied.
- Get organized. Fortunately this can be a reasonable goal. Whether it is your home, your office, closet, or garage. Set time aside. If it takes all morning, all day, weeks or months, develop a plan of attack. You will feel less stressed by clearing the clutter.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. May your 2019 be courageous, filled with excitement and wildly successful! Never give up. You can do it!
Bronwyn Ison, Owner of Evolve Yoga www.e-volveyoga.com & www.bronwynison.com Yoga on Demand. 50-991 Washington Street , La Quinta (760) 564-YOGA (9642)