The Kitchen is the heart of the home during the holidays. Keep it safe with these safety tips:
• Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking on the stovetop so you can keep an eye on the food.
• Stay in the home when cooking your turkey and check on it frequently.
• Keep children away from the stove. The stove will be hot.
• Make sure kids stay away from hot food and liquids. Keep the floor clear of obstacles.
• Keep knives out of the reach of children. Be sure electric cords from an electric knife, coffee maker, plate warmer or mixer are not dangling off the counter within easy reach of a child.
• Keep matches and utility lighters out of the reach of children, up high in a locked cabinet.
• Make sure your smoke alarms are working.
• If you’re traveling the roads they will be congested. Be patient and drive safely!
For additional safety visit: http://www.usfa.fema.gov/prevention/outreach/cooking.html
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna