By Haddon Libby
May is not only the month when we celebrate the start of summer with Memorial Day but it is also the month when California switches to a more expensive gasoline blend in California in order to keep air pollution down. The recent rise in gas prices is due in large part to our unique gas blend that the state allows California refineries to export but not import causing regular shortages and chances for the oil industry to gouge Californians. If Governor Newsome wants to resolve the problem, our legislature should stop acting like China and allow free gasoline trade with the other 49 states. As Californians seem to want an open border with Mexico, we should import their refined gas too.
May is also the mystical month when many stock market professionals repeat the old adage, “Sell in May and go away.” As we have seen first- hand of late, most stock market ups and downs of late have occurred between Halloween and Memorial Day. From 1950 through 2013, the old adage worked with perfection. With the rise of algorhythmic trading, the old adage is not as reliable.
Thursday May 2nd is World Password Day. This is the day when you are supposed to realize that you may be sharing your passwords with rogue agents of international spy networks. As a defense against identity theft, consider using two-factor authorization software on everything you do online. At minimum, stop reusing old passwords.
Friday May 3rd plays host to National Paranormal Day. According to National Today, 38% of women state that they have seen a ghost vs. 29% of men. One in 25 Americans believe that their homes are haunted. The most passionate followers of the paranormal can be heard on radio program, “Coast to Coast AM with George Noory” as he will probably have a few people from the other side calling in.
May the 4th be with you on Saturday as it is Star Wars Day. On this day each year, fans of the film franchise cross light sabers and breathe heavy through masks.
If celebrating Star Wars isn’t for you, what about World Naked Gardening Day? Organized by nudist Mark Storey, he recommends that we go outside and weed and trim in the buff. I don’t know about you but I’m not clipping anything while naked.
Monday the 6th is Nurses Day followed by Teacher’s Day on Wednesday, Receptionist’s Day on Friday and Mother’s Day on Sunday the 11th. These are the times when I wish that I was a Hallmark heir.
Sunday is Cinco de Mayo which translates to mean ‘fifth of May’. I know…who knew? This ‘holiday’ is celebrated more festively by Americans than Mexicans as our friends south of the border hold a few parades, give some political speeches and that’s about it. Our recognition of this day in history is a testament to the power of marketers in the United States. Just think, if Americans ever get a taste for yak’s meat, we can commercialize Tibet’s Saga Dawa Festival on May 18th.
We can also celebrate Buddha’s birthday on May 12th. This year marks his 2,642nd birthday. He was born in southern Nepal, was married with a son and left he and his wife on the day of his son’s birth to ‘pursue enlightenment.’ I wonder what people would think of that behavior today?
May is also the month when I celebrate my 39th birthday (so I haven’t celebrated a few times…okay, maybe more than a few but who’s counting?) As R. Kelly says, “Age Ain’t Nothin’ But a Number,” right?
Haddon Libby is the Founder and Managing Partner of Winslow Drake Investment Management. Less than 1 in 20 investment management practices perform to the Fiduciary Standard of Care in everything that they do. We are one of them. Learn about the difference by dropping me a note at HLibby@WinslowDrake.com. For more information, please visit www.WinslowDrake.com.