Misty, a lovely homeless dog, traded in her shelter kennel last week for a royal suite at the beautiful Barkingham Pet Hotel in Palm Desert. Lori Weiner, owner and operator of this elegant pet hotel, founded California Paws Rescue in 2011 a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that specializes in saving disabled, senior, and other pups who have a harder time getting adopted. Misty is their newest rescue dog. These rescue pups receive royal treatment while they are housed in a section of this pet facility while they await their “furever” adoptive homes.
Misty was relinquished to the county shelter in Thousand Palms when her family lost their home. Her photo shows her happily prancing in spite of her bowed front legs and paws. Misty’s family told the shelter her condition was caused by being confined to a small cage in a puppy mill. There is no way to confirm this. Since Misty appears to be a blend of several breeds including Great Dane and Labrador, it does not seem likely she was used for breeding in a puppy mill. Her disability may be genetic, or the result of being caged while still growing. A note from the shelter vet states, “This dog has severe valgas deformity in both front limbs. Most bilateral deformities are congenital defects.” We will never know the exact cause, though this condition is seen more often in large breed dogs like Misty.

Meanwhile, Misty now romps and runs with joy throughout the dog parks at Barkingham, defying the notion she has any disabilty. She wades in their beautiful doggie pool. With the resilient, beautiful soul of a dog, she is vibrant, grateful, and dispenses happy kisses to her caretakers and visiting volunteers. With the beautiful forgiving spirit of a dog, she teaches us to live in the moment with an abundance of love and gratitude, not focusing on what we don’t have, but looking forward to what life will bring next. The lucky human who adopt this 73-lb bundle of doggie love will be the beneficiary of her contagious joy.
Misty enjoys many of the amenities provided to the 4-legged guests at Barkingham. She dines on Taste of the Wild, a high quality grain free dog food. She has access to the indoor and outdoor dog parks where she can exercise. She can cool off in the luxurious pool. Canine guest services includes LED Reflexology Light Therapy that can help ailments such arthritis pain, inflammation, and sore muscles. Treadmill packages and “Pawlates” provide additional exercise. Grooming spa treatments include mobility mud baths infused with peppermint.
If you need a place for Fido to stay while you vacation this summer, the Barkingham Pet Hotel is highly recommended. Pictured here is one of their luxury suites fitted with a flat screen television showing Animal Planet and webcam so that anxious humans check on Fido from their Smartphone. Lori Weiner explains, “I am so concerned with safety that the entire place is covered with cameras and Staff are here 24 hours a day. Barkingham is about the health, wellness, and happiness of the dogs. When their owner is away, these pets become one of my kids.” Cats have their own separate and spacious area at the InterCATintental Hotel.
In addition to Misty, the rescue dogs at California Paws Rescue include Emily, a 5-year old blind Chihuahua and a 10-yr-old senior Rat Terrier. You can view all their adoptable dogs at www.californiapawsrescue.org. The rescue dogs are so grateful for the love and care they receive at Barkingham. The 4-legged hotel guests give this “pawsome” pet hotel a 5-Star Woof!
Pay a visit to the Barkingham Pet Hotel at their beautiful new location, 73650 Dinah Shore in Palm Desert. Call them at (760) 699-8328, and view their wonderful facility at www.pethotelcalifornia.com. To adopt Misty, contact California Paws Rescue at (760) 656-3833, www.californiapawsrescue.org. Misty has a message for us humans……Show gratitude and love when you face the world, though you may have silent struggles, live boldly with happy optimism.