By: Bronwyn Ison

Mothers around the world will be celebrated on Sunday the 12th day of May. According
to Wikipedia, Mother’s Day is a proclamation honoring mothers and celebrating
motherhood. The influence of mothers on society is preeminent.

In the United States, Mother’s Day commenced approximately 150 years ago. An
Appalachian homemaker, Anna Jarvis originally proclaimed, “Mother’s Work Day.”
This was a day to raise awareness of poor health conditions within her community. Anna
Jarvis passed away in 1905 and this inspired her daughter, also named Anna, to carry on
the tradition. Anna instigated a campaign to memorialize the life work of her mother.

Traditionally, Mother’s Day was celebrated by attending church, writing, and sending
letters to mothers. As years past Anna Jarvis became enraged. She believed this day of
sentiment was being marginalized for greed and profit. Anna Jarvis filed a lawsuit to
stop a Mother’s Day festival. Subsequently she was arrested for disturbing the peace at
a Mother’s Day convention selling carnations for a wartime mother’s group. Prior to her
death in 1948, Jarvis admitted she regretted starting the Mother’s Day tradition.


The Mother’s Day tradition has flourished in the United States. It has become the most
popular day of the year to dine out. Telephone companies record this day as having the
highest amount of calls than any other day of the year.

What might you do to make your mother feel special on Mother’s Day? Here are few
ideas. Plus, if you are on a budget you may seek alternatives.

Cook breakfast or treat your mother to a brunch.
Enjoy the day poolside or relax at the spa.
Go for a walk and/or hike together.
Pull out the photo albums and reminiscence together.
Plan to spend more time together and talk.
Begin an activity together: walking, hiking, yoga, scrapbooking, etc.

Most importantly stimulate a memory on Mother’s Day. Express to your mother how you
care and love her. This will signify more than any card. Wishing all of the mother’s and
mother’s to-be a very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY.

Evolve Yoga presents two special workshops Saturday, May 11. Mother and Child
~ 12pm-1:15pm & Blissful Gentle and Restorative Yoga Workshop, 2pm-4pm, you
both deserve time together, away from everyday stresses, away from parenting and
grandmother duties. Plus, it is a great way to excite Mom to try Yoga. The workshop
is available for all lovely women looking to decompress and rejuvenate. This gentle
practice will allow us to prepare for complete relaxation as we transition into blissful,
restful, calming, and rejuvenating restorative postures. Visit: to
register or call 760.564.YOGA