By Bronwyn Ison
Has anyone discouraged you from your aspirations? Perhaps, someone thinks your dreams are too ambitious? Or, someone attempts to sabotage your efforts? Anyone who is depriving you from achieving greatness needs to be abolished from your life. I don’t believe this statement is too extreme. You should NEVER allow someone to rain on your sunny day.
The naysayers do not deserve to impact your life. The negativity will debilitate you if you allow such behavior. The naysayer may be a relative. Have a conversation with this person and ask them why they believe you are not destined for greatness. Perhaps you have set the bar a little higher and your relative or friend is jealous. Do not allow someone to embezzle your joy. If you do, that means they win. Turn it around and say “no” to the naysayer.
Most naysayers are living in their own fear-based world. This person has personal hang-up’s, insecurities and this can be toxic to your relationship. Therefore, Naysayers, don’t want you to pursue your goals. Why? They have never attempted to accomplish what you are attempting to achieve. Plus, when you achieve your greatness it could be a contradiction of them and their misguided opinions.
It is time to say goodbye to the toxicity that surrounds you. Surround yourself with people who encourage and believe in you. Here’s how…
Protect your goal and dreams. Don’t feel the need to tell everyone about everything you are doing. Safeguard yourself, especially in the infantile stages of your goals and dreams. This is the perfect time for someone to burst your bubble. This could instill doubt in your mind and impair you from moving forward.
Critique your naysayers. Who are they? Why are they projecting negativity? Ask your self… are they living the life they desire? If not, why are they not pursuing greater happiness for themselves.
A naysayer may raise objections to your plan. This can render food for thought. Give the person credit and thank them for identifying the risk factors and potential flaws of your plan. If you desire, get back to them and share your experience. Do not waste time trying to explain yourself. Excuse yourself from the conversation politely and move forward with your plan.
Eliminate the naysayer. Misery loves company. Anyone who has the audacity to bring you down should not be present in your life. Mediocre is not in my vocabulary. You have complete control over your environment and destiny. Surround yourself with positive influences. Now is your time to SHINE!
Bronwyn Ison is the Owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com 760.564.YOGA
50-991 Washington Street, La Quinta 92253