Oak Glen CA
By Lynne Tucker
Nestled mile-high in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains, within the historic farming community of Oak Glen, lies The Wildlands Conservancy’s Oak Glen Preserve. The 909-acre preserve is home to the Conservancy’s Southern California Montane Botanic Garden and Children’s Outdoor Discovery Center, and like TWC’s other preserves, is open to the public completely free of charge.
In 1996, The Wildlands Conservancy saved southern California’s largest historic apple ranch, Los Rios Rancho, from residential subdivision. The farm, surrounded by Oak Glen Preserve, is leased to third and fourth generation Oak Glen apple growers. Riley’s Frontier Events continues the property’s rich tradition of apple growing and historic entertainment.
In addition to the Botanic Garden, Discovery Center, and Los Rios Rancho, the Preserve includes the prominent Wilshire Peak (8,707 feet), acquired by the Conservancy to prevent exploitation of private lands within the San Bernardino National Forest and to promote the expansion of the San Gorgonio Wilderness
Oak Glen Preserve and the Southern California Montane Botanic Garden and Children’s Outdoor Discovery Center trails are open.
Restrooms in the botanic garden are open.
Maintain a physical distance of at least 10 feet from visitors and other staff.
Stay local: Please do not travel from outside the local area to visit the Preserve.
For information call (909) 790-3698.
Think Nature and Enjoy the Beauty!
Lynne Tucker
A Passion 4 Photography
Contributing Writer and Photographer for:
CV Weekly (Coachella Valley)
The Tolucan Times (San Fernando Valley)
Conservation Ambassador for The Living Desert