We have many great school bands performing in our valley, but few have the honor of being chosen for something remarkable. Our valley is honored by the accomplishment of one local band. The Palm Springs “Spirit of the Sands” Marching Band and Visual Corps have been selected to march in the upcoming Presidential Inaugural Parade in Washington D.C. I spoke with a very excited band director, Beverly Ingelson, and her husband, who is helping the band boosters with the fundraising for the event. Beverly told me that this event will be a historical event for the band and visual corps, Palm Springs High School (PSHS), and the Coachella Valley. Beverly also told me how hard the students worked. Needless to say, this band deserved being selected, but there may be a small hiccup in their journey. Although the band was chosen to participate in the inaugural parade, the trip is not an all expenses paid trip. Actually, it is a “pay your own way” type of trip. The band must pay for all the expenses, but can’t afford the price.
If you visit the band’s website at www.psband.org, you will notice a large red square with the statement “As a result of the Presidential Inaugural Committee acceptance notification, the band has less than one month to raise thousands of dollars. Please help the Spirit of the Sands to become part of history.” The band needs our help! To participate in the parade in Washington D.C., the band needs to send approximately 160 students, chaperones, and equipment. This trip will not be cheap. The band may not be able to return home the same day, which means they will have hotel and food expenses. The boosters report that the funds could run at approximately $1,000 or more per student. Beverly states that she wants as many students to attend as possible but that depends on the funding they receive. Many parents cannot afford that price.
I understand that Christmas is here, and many may be short on funds, but there are people that can help, even if the donation is small. How about donating to help these young musicians represent us in the Presidential Inaugural Parade? The experience will be life changing for these students, and will make them and our community apart of history. I am a former high school marching band student, and I understand the work and dedication it takes to make a marching band successful. These students have been selected out of thousands of bands that applied to be a part of one of the most important events in our nation, the Presidential Inauguration. You can be a Blackhawk, an Arab, a Ram, a Rajah, an Aztec, a Knight, a Lion, or a Golden Eagle, you can still help. Let’s come together as a community and help these students be a part of history.
If you’re interested in helping, Pacific Premier Bank (formerly Canyon National Bank) has set up an account entitled “PSHS Inauguration Band Fund.” Any donations to this account will go directly to the band. You can also send donations by mail to: PSHS Band Boosters, P.O. Box 4983, Palm Springs, CA 92263. All Donations will be tax deductable.