Deadline moved one month earlier to Sept. 30
By Amy Blaisdell
Be Counted! The 2020 Census is underway and due to the U.S. Census Bureau’s announcement that the deadline to complete the survey has been moved one month earlier to Sept. 30, it is now more important than ever that every Palm Springs household move quickly to submit their response.
A high Census turnout can lead to millions of dollars in federal funding for local education, healthcare and hospitals, and important infrastructure that will help shape the future of Palm Springs for generations to come.
The U.S. Census takes place every 10 years and is more than just a head count. The Census provides a picture of our nation that helps determine where to build new schools, hospitals, and businesses; how federal funding is distributed; and how Congressional seats are apportioned. It also helps the government see how many communities have changed over time.
By law, Census responses are required to be confidential and cannot be used against anyone in a court of law or by a government agency such as the FBI, Department of Homeland Security or U.S. Immigration Enforcement. The survey is available in 12 different languages, including Spanish.
“Completing the Census is easy and only takes about 10 minutes,” said Palm Springs City Manager David H. Ready, who noted the survey can be completed by mail, online or by telephone.
“Every resident is critically important to our Census count,” said Ready. “If we have an undercount, Palm Springs will lose out on important federal dollars that will help improve quality of life and shape the future of our community for years to come. Your voice matters and we urge every resident to be counted.”
To complete the survey or for more information, visit www.My2020Census.gov.
This announcement is paid for by the City of Palm Springs, California.