By Janet McAfee
The small gray Terrier waits in her foster home, hoping for that phone call that leads to her “furever” home. Meanwhile, she is safe and sound and adores her foster Mom. Pippi dutifully attended several adoption events, including Loving All Animals’ Super Pet Adoption Festival where she was passed over again while the friendlier pups were adopted.
Most folks select a dog that enthusiastically greets them with wet kisses and a wagging tail. Pippi, on the other hand, is reserved and a bit skittish when she meets new humans, including prospective adopters. Through no fault of her own, Pippi has been in several foster homes, and her behavior follows a similar pattern. She needs to spend at least 24 hours in your home before it’s safe for her to trust. Once she feels secure in a loving home, Pippi blossoms into a joyous, engaging, and loyal companion.
Foster Mom Nancy Atkisson adores this precious pup, “Pippi is extremely loving and affectionate, and she enjoys snuggling with you. She’s a 5-Star dog in every aspect. She walks on a leash and heels, she’s housetrained, she’s a sweetheart, and a true loyal companion. She loves her new Christmas toys. Pippi has a bed beside mine, and as soon as she sees I’m awake in the morning she grabs a toy and flies around the room in joyful excitement. Pippi is a ‘one person’ dog and she seems to prefer women.”
THE IDEAL HOME FOR PIPPI IS WITH A SINGLE WOMAN WHO HAS A LOT OF TIME TO SPEND WITH HER. When placed with a couple, Pippi tends to favor one person and guard them. She forms a loving bond with her special human, and greets them with pure and overwhelming joy. Pippi’s background may give us some insight into her behavior. Loving All Animals rarely knows much information about the background of dogs we rescue from shelters, but we know Pippi’s story from a fellow animal rescuer.
Cindy Sorenson, Good Samaritan and animal rescuer extraordinaire, contacted Loving All Animals about Pippi and her sister Tyco. The two were in the back room at the main Riverside county animal shelter listed as “fearful”. And “Yes” we made the trip into Riverside to save them. Cindy was at that shelter several days before when she was advised seven dogs were coming in together with a distraught owner. She sought out the anguished man who was sobbing at the prospect of losing his animals.
Bernie shared his story with Cindy. He was homeless, residing in a tent in the city of Perris in rural Riverside County. Bernie took in abandoned dogs, and his family of animals grew to 11 when discovered by animal control. The property owner received citations due to the large number of animals. The seven females were relinquished. Cindy raised funds and arranged for the four male dogs remaining with Bernie to be vaccinated and neutered. She promised Bernie she would use her extensive contacts to ensure all his dogs would get out alive from the shelter. Cindy kept her promise.
My promise to Pippi is to find her a wonderful home, a loving home where she will thrive. Clearly Pippi was never inside a home before, nor was she walked on a leash. She now relishes her leashed walks, and is 99% house trained. At nine pounds, she is the perfect size for most households. She is a gem of a dog, a dog whose little heart loves more than most.
“Pippi has a heart of gold,” reports her previous foster mom Sena Falk. She added, “It’s amazing how Pippi reacted with such joy after not seeing me for a while. She has the sweetest personality, and it breaks my heart she has not yet found a home.”
Hopefully someone reading her story will give Pippi the second chance home she so deserves. Hopefully someone will be patient enough to give Pippi the 24 to 48 hours she needs to relax and learn it’s safe to trust someone new. The holidays are the perfect time to adopt a new pet, and Pippi guarantees your 2016 will be filled with more joy and love. A tax deductible adoption donation is requested. Call (760) 834-7000 to meet Pippi.