I’m the man sitting in front of you on the plane. Too busy to notice me because you were coughing uncontrollably? I’d appreciate it if you’d cover while sneezing. Did you know airborne germ droplets spread the virus up to six feet away?
I’m the person in the restaurant, store and office you waited on today. Too exhausted to give me the service needed, you were tired, achy and had chills. Your congested head was a distraction but you kept cough’in and talk’in telling me it was just your “allergies…”
I’m the child your child goes to school with, but you decided to send them to school anyway. Their fever, runny nose and cough were infecting everyone around as we shared toys, surfaces and space.
All symptoms of the Flu, and it is the season. When you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue (not your hands). Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as germs spread this way. Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs and get a flu shot. If you’re sick, do yourself and everyone a favor, stay home and be responsible!
Oh, did I mention you at the gym? Contrary to popular belief, you’re not sweating it out, you’re just spreading it out.
For additional Flu information visit: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/preventing.htm
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna