By Bronwyn Ison
Stand up straight, draw your shoulders back and pull in your stomach. These commands may resonate and be familiar words you heard as a child. Your parent or grandparent was advocating proper posture. Each reminder I received about my posture felt burdensome. As I grew into an adult I comprehended better the health benefits. Do you know the spine has a powerful relationship with the brain, spinal cord, and overall organ function? This intimate connection means that poor posture and spinal health will lead to an overall decrease in brain and organ function.
The yoga posture Tadasana, is a foundational posture, feet grounded and arms straight down one’s side for balance and alignment. Eliminate anterior or posterior tilt in the pelvis. One stands firm, strong and straight. Tadasana (aka, Mountain Pose), whether you practice yoga or not this is a posture we are familiar with. Practice this with diligence daily.
Observe those around you and recognize one’s posture. Many lack a healthy stance. Poor posture is easy. Strong and healthy posture requires work. It is also easier to regress to poor posture due to the daily trends in our society. Finding yourself hunched over a computer for hours can eventually challenge your posture. Your back begins to curve, shoulders round forward and your head juts forward. Thinking about this stance just hurts. Taking small breaks throughout your day is a good habit to acquire for a healthy back. Children also form poor postural habits from carrying heavy backpacks. Subtly reminding your children will assist them in developing healthy posture.
Do you experience back pain? There are myriad reasons why you may feel pain. Check in with your posture. Be honest with yourself. If you have poor posture then it’s time to take action. Back pain is often experienced due to tight hamstrings and hips. Begin your day with a few quick stretches to aid in healthy posture. Give yourself a hug. Wrap your arms around your self and twist from left to right. Abdominal exercises to strengthen your stomach will be essential to healthy posture. Develop a regular abdominal routine. You will recognize a surmountable result if you stay on task. Ladies, avoid wearing high heels. Your body will experience misalignment and this is taxing on the body. Do away with loading too much into your big purse. Uneven weight on one side of the body is exhausting for the neck, shoulder and arm.
Be sure to take short breaks throughout your day while working. Get up and walk around. Engage in a few stretches. Improve your posture while sleeping. Avoid sleeping on your stomach. If you must, place a pillow under your ankles. If you sleep on your side, use a pillow assist in between the knees. Sleeping on your back is your best option. You can also place a pillow or rolled blanket underneath your knees to ease back tension.
Establish a regular exercise routine. Yoga and Pilates are exceptional in aiding with healthy posture. Healthy posture also means a healthier you. Stand up straight and exude confidence!