By Bronwyn Ison

Manifesting true abundance and developing prosperity in your life is a realistic goal. Each of us desires to have success. You may be looking to attain prosperity in different areas in your life. Perhaps you are seeking financial gratification. You may also be seeking physical and mental reward as well. There isn’t any reason why you cannot have it all. However, this will take patience, time and diligence.

Zig Ziglar says, People are basically the same the world over. Everybody wants the same things – to be happy, to be healthy, to be at least reasonably prosperous, and to be secure. They want friends, peace of mind, good family relationships, and hope that tomorrow is going to be even better than today.

Possibly you have and are achieving everything desired by you. This must be sustained and requires nurturing. If you are aiming towards a more prosperous life there are avenues in achieving your goals.


It is important to be clear about what you want out of life at any given moment. Ask yourself, “What would my life look like if I had everything I envisioned?” Sometimes we find it easier to discover what we do not want rather than focusing on our true desires. Try cuing in to your intuition. The voice within can alert you at times about what feels right or wrong. Go with your gut especially if this voice is strong and speaking to you. Writing down your goals, visions and dreams may provide you a clear map of what you need in your life. Consider writing or voicing positive affirmations to your self. Visualize yourself achieving your biggest goal. What does this look and feel like? Pray and meditate. Ask for guidance from God or a Higher Power. When praying or meditating be clear about your intentions. Listen for wisdom. Be sure to “take ACTION.” Do not fear the unknown. Remember nothing ventured, nothing gained. Goethe, the epic lyrical poet says, “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Making any change in your life often feels uncomfortable at first. Continue to take action. Small steps count. Put the energy to create new things in your life out into the world. The Universe will respond! Be sure to heed your thoughts. They are meaningful. Pay close attention. Ask yourself, “What do I want to create in my life?” Keep in mind life has ebbs and flows. Unfortunately life doesn’t always go in a straight line. Be ready to adjust a little. Life will throw a few twists and turns to ensure you are paying attention. Act on what you are passionate about in life. What excites you? What is fun? What do you know will not fail? Lastly, and one that tops my list… LET GO OF WHAT DRAINS YOU! Negative people and circumstances can hold us back. Minimize the clutter, which includes unnecessary distractions including people.

Each of us deserves the best in this very short time here on earth. Do and be your best and good things will likely follow. Now is your time to prosper.

Bronwyn Ison is the Owner of Evolve Yoga. or 760-564-YOGA