Mysticism and the discovery of the unknown are potent draws for many people.
Who doesn’t want to know that the future may hold something better?
Medium Jay Lane is not your ordinary psychic! Jay Lane is a clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient medium. This means that she has the ability to see, sense, and hear those who have crossed over into spirit. Hailing from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Jay Lane has worked with local law enforcement to solve crimes, appeared on national news outlets in America, has brought much hope, healing, and closure to so many who have met her.
Psychic mediums are very popular these days with television shows from celebrities like Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo, Meet the Frasers, and others bringing mediumship into the mainstream.
“Grief and closure is a big thing for people,” says Jay Lane. “Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences a person can go through. I am blessed with a gift to offer comfort and knowledge to help find closure.”
In the current pandemic status, Jay Lane’s business has grown exponentially as people has wanted to discuss suicide and how it would affect them and their loved ones. “Since this pandemic, the number of suicide inquires has more than tripled. I educate people about the souls journey and why they should reconsider their path. I give people hope to see the brighter side of life.”
Medium Jay Lane is scheduled for the following “Virtual Events”:
May 2; 6 pm – 2 hour Zoom Event – open to 100 people – get tickets here: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1U5kObuoTlKkGWxD7-G1TQ
May 15; 7 pm – 2 hour Zoom Event – open 100 people – Buskirk-Chumley Theatre in Indiana
“I am really excited about these virtual events,” adds Lane. “I am going to demonstrate readings for viewers from family and friends in the spirit world and discuss how I communicate with the other side. I know it sounds weird to some, but let’s be honest! Everyone is curious and I have made believers out of non-believers on many occasions.”
During the two-hour show, Lane will speak to as many people as she can. Her purpose is to spend time with, and pay special attention to, her guests, providing hope and closure.
Check out Jay on CNN: youtu.be/lYeXg2OT_jc
For more information, visit mediumjaylane.com/media.