By Bronwyn Ison
As we commence the end of the first month of 2015 it is time to recap. Given the New Year many, of us set resolutions or goals. Are you finding it challenging to commit to what you established for your future? Do not beat yourself up. You are human and we falter. This does not mean that you cannot begin anew. If you are hearing me loud and clear then it is time for inspiration.
As you revisit your resolutions, aspirations and goals you need to ask yourself a few candid questions? Did I set unrealistic goals for myself? Are the goals I desire truly what I want? Am I motivated enough to achieve the end result? Perhaps you set a goal and you are realizing it may be too ambitious. Did you set a foundation? If you set a foundation and begin to build slowly then your dreams can come to fruition. If you are diving into something new and becoming frustrated you may need to slow down the pace. Remember goals and dreams can take weeks, months, and even years, to be realized.
Enjoying the journey is more than half the fun. If you are passionate about what you are seeking to achieve then you can enjoy yourself. Naturally you will experience trials and tribulations along the way. Look at these hiccups as lessons. Continue to press ahead. Envisioning yourself living, being, and doing what you are passionate about will accelerate your process.
Take time to rewrite your goals. As you navigate your way, it is possible you will notice a shift. Therefore, your markers may be altered. It is fine to have a change of heart or mind but be mindful not to regress. You will be prideful once you get to where you are going.
Surrounding yourself with like-minded people is essential. Anything or anyone that is a distraction must take the back burner. You want and need people around you that envision and support your needs and desires. Choose friends or a mate that is willing to take the journey with you. Anyone who is not willing to partake must be left behind. I’m not implying this person or persons need to be jettisoned forever. It may be that you need a time out so that you can focus.
Regardless of your goals and dreams, they can and will be achieved. Include all the right ingredients. Be sure not to underestimate yourself. You must believe that you can achieve. Stay focused and stay diligent.
Create a timeline for yourself. Set yourself up on a 30-day calendar. Revisit your aspirations every 30-days so you may keep tract of your progress. If you really want something you must go after it. Do not allow anything or anyone to impair your path.
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com (760)564-YOGA