By Aimee Mosco
“Most of us are aware of the changes that our Mother Earth is experiencing, and it has become of prime importance for each of us to participate in the preservation of this planet we call home.” Daily Agreements, Guidelines & Intentions, by Aimee Mosco and Donald L. Ferguson, page 45.
Not only is planet Earth our home, but she also serves as a classroom to our souls. This is where the eternal self gets to participate in the unique experience of being embodied. Earth, in all her glory, gives us the treasured opportunity to share space and exchange wisdom with her as well as other living beings such as animals, plants, and insects.
We learn profoundly from all of these sentient beings, and our souls grow by leaps and bounds from the exchanges. Historically, humans do not always recognize the growth for what it is. Often, we take for granted what we are receiving, which makes it less likely we will remember to be grateful. Gratitude is a crucial element to maintaining the all-important delicate balance between humans and all ties to Mother Earth.
Balance is one of the hallmarks of the unity paradigm. All life must be respected in equal measure, honored, appreciated, and treated accordingly to align fully and completely with this new paradigm. We are moving swiftly into the new age and all things that do not fit with it will call for our attention as our collective journey progresses. Mindsets that support imbalance will sit at the roots of extreme discomfort.
What this means is that it is becoming imperative we recognize, respect, and give thanks for the value of all life that resides on, and contributes to this planet. When we do not, we will receive an uncomfortable message to get back on track.
There are some remarkably simple things we can do to bestow our respect upon Mother Earth and her domain. This will help to keep us on the new paradigm straight and narrow. For example: take a few extra minutes each day to express gratitude and reflect on what we have learned as well as the gifts we have received from the sentient beings with whom we share this planet. Be extra mindful about how we treat the planet, the sources we patronize that provide what we consume, how much we consume, our disposal practices, and how we treat animals because this goes a long way toward balancing the unity scales.
Our collective evolution and transition into the unity paradigm follows along behind Mother Earth and is inevitable as long as we continue to live on this Earth. We have the power together and individually to transition comfortably when we exercise heightened mindfulness and deep respect.
In my pursuit to help you transition comfortably into the new paradigm, I invite you to join my Facebook group SACRED Light Code Keys. Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/621727488898099 and bring your light to this supportive community.
Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves as Vice Chair to the World Game Changers Board of Directors, a charitable CIC based in the UK. Find Aimee on her website at www.ihsunity.com.