Charity: The Coachella Valley Art Scene

By Noe Gutierrez

Sarah Scheideman prefers being the wizard behind the curtain. “I don’t like being in front of the camera too much.” Her reserved attitude is righteous given the pulpit she has created for artists to flourish as part of the Coachella Valley Art Scene. “I can best describe my career path as one that is unique, creative and passion-driven. When I was 25 years old I found a void in my community that I wanted to see fulfilled. So, I started an arts and culture blog that has served as a platform for emerging artists in the Coachella Valley. That was in 2008. It brings me pride and joy to see how far it has evolved since then. The Coachella Valley Art Scene became a 501c3 nonprofit organization about two years ago and we continue to make strides everyday to cultivate a creative community in the Coachella Valley.” Scheideman is one of Coachella Valley Weekly’s Top 12 Most Interesting & Influential Women of 2016 for her fostering of the arts for art’s sake.

IMG_3269The CVAS mission statement reads: Cultivating a creative community using art advocacy as a platform to safely express, educate, empower and engage the Coachella Valley. This positive influence on the valley has produced weekly live music performances, Open Mic Night, STREET; an urban art, music, fashion and food festival, the 111 MUSIC FESTIVAL and Open Studio Art Making. The weight of these events has edified our musicians and artists to produce a chain reaction of positivity. Favorable outcomes come in many forms for Scheideman. “I have been able to achieve success by celebrating my community. I have also been able to achieve success by having an amazingly sharp and creative team around me who believe in the mission. Another secret weapon of mine is not letting money define me, my business, or get in the way of creative thinking.” The CV Art Scene’s worth is derived from its efforts. Scheideman is invested in her community.

Scheideman is a homegrown desert dweller. Born and raised in the Coachella Valley she stood out. “I’m the funky-artsy one. My mom works in the medical field and my dad works in retail. I have one younger brother who is super awesome, he is a city planner. My loving grandparents are both retired teachers.” The love and support of Scheideman’s family is securely delineated.


For Scheideman there is no separation or blurred line between life and art. “Art is my life. Even if I’m on vacation you can bet I’m visiting art museums and galleries for inspiration. I love art because it’s an endless source of inspiration, happiness and wonder for me. If I’m not “arting” I’m probably talking about astrology or simply just trying to make my friends laugh by being goofy.” Scheideman does find time for herself. “3 words: hot, mineral, water. It’s my all time favorite way to relax and retreat back to my hometown, Desert Hot Springs.” Scheideman finds stimulation in others as well.

IMG_3270Scheideman is influenced by community leaders in her field. “There are three women right now that are my major sources of inspiration: Louisa Castrodale is the Arts Coordinator for Palm Springs Unified School District. She is sassy, fierce, and innovative and is going to change the future – because the future is female. Debra Mum is the owner of Venus Art Supply & soon-to-be Director at the Center for the Arts. This lady is bad-ass! What I really admire most about her is her realness. She also knows what she wants, makes it happen, and isn’t fluffing. Finally, Lisa Vossler-Smith is Executive Director of Modernism Week. I look up to Lisa a lot, mostly because I really admire Modernism Week as an organization, but also because she’s so darn fabulous. She is what the internet commonly refers to as, ‘#lifegoals.’”

There is no doubt Sheideman is making her #LifeGoals happen as you read this. This thirty-something is on her way to becoming the connoisseur of the arts.

When I asked Scheideman who she will represent at CV Weekly’s Top 12 Most Interesting & Influential Women of 2016 event there was no question. “I will represent The Coachella Valley Art Scene, of course!”