By Aimee Mosco

“You impose no limitations on yourself when you exercise your belief that you are free. You can choose to build the foundation of your reality on perceptions that promote balance, happiness, peace, and love.” SACRED Reinforcement Workbook, by Aimee Mosco and Donald L. Ferguson, page 73.

Before your inner spirit sent your soul into your body in this incarnation, this higher part of you built your energy field. You built an energetic container to encompass your physical body and provide the perfect vibrational atmosphere for you to have your embodied experience. This was no small task. Your spirit, the higher part of you, put a great deal of thought into the details that framed this container that serves as your energy field and the foundation for everything that happens in your life here on Earth.

You were able to construct an energy field because your inner spirit is a powerful and sovereign creator that knows no limitations. You may not remember this about yourself, but if you take a moment to consider the logistics involved in constructing an energy field that holds the energy of your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and physicality, it is fitting for you to be impressed with your bountiful creativity!


Your divine memories of this part of yourself and what you are capable of were buried under the density of the old paradigm. As the frequencies lighten around you to align with a new era and new worldly experiences, your divine memories are able to resurface with greater ease. This divine memory restoration brings with it a multitude of opportunities for you to open your mind and reconnect with your divine freedom.

You have always been able to alter your energy field because it belongs to you by divine birthright. Unless someone taught you how to do this or how to work with energy, you likely did not have an awareness that you could do this, or that you were doing this each time you generated a thought in your mind, spoke a word, or expressed an emotion. These simple actions change the energy flow, the vibrations you convey to the space around you, and often even the energetic framework of your energy field. This is how powerful you are without even trying.

Imagine if you tried? Imagine if you made the choice to acknowledge your power as a divine and sovereign creator? Imagine if you decided to seize your sovereignty and take conscious charge of your energy field? If you were to make the choice to realign your energy field with an elevated experience by adjusting your thoughts and words to reflect the purity of your inner spirit, your life would change. Try it and see.

In my pursuit to assist you in seizing your divine sovereignty, I invite you to join my Telegram group DIVINE PURPOSE Discussions. Go to and enjoy the light of this supportive community.

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee served global charity organization, World Game Changers, as vice-chair to their board and continues her charity work in the Coachella Valley. Visit Aimee at