By Bronwyn Ison
Do you value YOU? What is the status of your self-esteem and respect for oneself? Do you believe you are deserving of the finer things life has to offer. I’m not speaking of material items. I am talking about valuing yourself enough to realize that you deserve what is best for you in every aspect of your life.
Society places and exceptional amount of relevance on what worthiness is supposed to look like. The outward appearance of success, material possessions, physical appearance, marital status, money, career and the list goes on. However, there is little consideration given to things such as a person’s values, kindness, love, integrity, forgiveness, inner-balance and emotional intelligence. We are jaded by the overt appearance of what the big picture is supposed to look like to us.
It is human nature to scrutinize and compare our selves to others. Is his car better and faster than mine? She has the perfect man. He seems to have it all. She always looks so put together. When you compare yourself to others you are determining your own self worth. In other words, you are not happy with what you have going on in your life. Unfortunately this temporarily triggers you to feel either better or worse about yourself. For example you may be comparing yourself physically to somebody else. You determine this person is in better shape than you. Stop the madness. Someone else will always be in better shape, have more money or be more attractive than you. You will continuously frustrate yourself because you are aiming at a moving target. However, I am not implying to not strive for greater health, appearance, or work diligently for a more prosperous bank account. Simply do your best to find your worth rather than comparing yourself to others. You are worthy!
Did you ever consider that because someone appears to have it all, this does not conclude they are happy? Outward appearances are just that – appearances – or illusions that we create. Our own mind and complex thoughts get in the way.
It comes down to this… What do you value? Preclude the thoughts of outward appearance and dig deeper to understand yourself and what you are worthy of. Make a list of the pertinent human values you admire and desire for you. Some examples may include:
Personal integrity, self-love, being true to oneself, affection, sense of humor, self-confidence, gratitude and I am sure you can conjure up more for yourself.
It is also important to identify what you personally believe to be success. Building and defining your self-worth will be your personal success. Hone in on your characteristics and develop them whole-heartedly. Display them to the world. You will soon discover that the material trappings and outer appearances can no longer define you. You will acknowledge your success has taken on a new meaning.
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com 760-564-YOGA