Support and Education for Local Music and Arts (www.selmagrows.org) is delighted to announce the implementation of the SELMA program into a local private school. The Learning Tree Center on Washington Street in Palm Desert now has two new after school art programs, one for first grade and one for second to fifth, donated by Mr. Leo Fuchs of www.DesertArtClasses.com , who is also the Arts Program Director for the Support and Education of Local Music and Arts organization. Mr. Leo also teaches art classes and private lessons at All Desert Wellness Centers (www.alldesertwellness.org).
The Learning Tree Center also has accepted the plans for a culturally educational mural created by Mr. Keith Blum of www.KeithBlum.com. Mr. Blum creates murals with life like dimensions and has generously reduced his charges by the thousands to be able to accommodate this mural being applied to the school grounds. The scenes range from: a map of the Coachella Valley with a “You are here” insignia acknowledging the Learning Tree Center in correlation to the Coachella Valley, all the way to the Great Wall Of China, the Easter Islands, the Hollywood sign, and Australia’s Opera House to name a few. As an organization we will be raising $1500 per “vignette”, or scene, to be applied by Mr. Blum along with guided help from the students, through a guide workshop, as a contribution to the growth of the SELMA organization in the Coachella Valley.
Incredibly, a classroom has been designated for this program on the Learning Tree campus. It is exciting to announce that the means to acquire this classroom space was provided to S.E.L.M.A by the following; Mr. Fuchs, Mr. Keith Blum, the Coachella Valley Weekly publication, and All Desert Wellness Centers of Palm Desert and of course the Learning Tree Center of Palm Desert (www.thelearningtreecenter.com) .
The main purpose of the S.E.L.M.A. organization is to create careers that support and preserve cultural integrity by providing a localized showcase system of music and arts education opportunities. Without the support of these local organizations and businesses we would not be able to accomplish these great feats that will enrich our children’s live for years to come.
If you are interested in supporting the implementation of the SELMA program into The Learning Tree Palm Desert or any other school in the Coachella Valley please contact us: info@selmagrows.org or (760)799-8196. This is a great opportunity to advertise for your business or project and it is exciting to invite you along.
Support and Education for Local Music and Arts, Coachella Valley: Chapter 1