By: Bronwyn Ison

We are reminded, as the holidays are in full swing that serving others is benevolent and generous.  Our hearts are softened and we may see the usual from a different perspective due to the time of year. When you serve others there is diminished focus on one’s self.  In our fast driven society we have be taught to look out for number one, “ourselves.”  Taking care of “you” is important but it is not everything.  Begin outreach to others and you may recognize how you can be blessed tenfold.


One Thanksgiving Day, as a teenager, my girlfriends and I loaded the trunk of my car with 50 or more covered plates of turkey dinner and delivered the meals to those less fortunate.  On that specific Thanksgiving I gave my time to help serve others who really were in need.  I also knew I would never forget that moment.  I was able to cause others to be happy by making sure they had a hot dinner on Thanksgiving.  It was rewarding for everyone.



Research tells us, we can live happier and healthier lives by giving and performing acts of mercy.  There are people who spend a lifetime giving to others.  Teachers, doctors, philanthropists, fitness professionals, hospitality workers and those who work in ministry are all giving people.  You may recognize their service comes with grace.  You may ask, how does one continue to give their time so effortlessly?  It comes naturally due to they love to serve.


Are you in need of a New Year’s resolution?  Here are tips on how to serve others in your family, community, and workplace.


1.   Begin by showing Respect and Courtesy.  Remember simple words such as “thank you” or a kind compliment goes a long way.  Offering a helping hand to someone in need.  Respect and Courtesy will make both parties happy.

2.   Try listening more than you speak.  Most often we speak too much when we should be lending our ear to who ever is talking.  Sometimes we need to vent and get something off our chests.  Try listening the next time someone needs you.

3.   Keep your promises.  If you say you are going to do something be sure to stand by your word.  Your credibility will soar.  Being dependable, punctual, and person of his or her word will also let others know you are true.

4.   Offer genuine praise.  All of us enjoy being recognized for a job well done.  Recognizing another’s contributions may help strengthen your relationship with someone.  Giving praise when praise is due will likely inspire the person to always do a great job.

5.   Forgiveness.  A challenging task.  Holding a grudge and harboring anger only hurts one person… YOU! Little by little you can diminish your anger if you forgive.  Peeling the layers from the onion such as hurt and anger will set you FREE!  Forgiving can be a great act of mercy.



Instilling works of service, donating time to your favorite charity, or tithing to those less fortunate are all acts of love.  There are hundreds of charities in the Coachella Valley that will welcome your kind act of service.  Serving this holiday season will be uplifting for all.

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