Slow Money Southern California is making their first appearance in the Coachella Valley on Monday, April 27th at 6:30pm at ShareKitchen located at 68-805 E. Palm Canyon Drive in Cathedral City.
This event is a great networking opportunity where you can meet local food entrepreneurs, farmers, business leaders and investors. At the event, there will be a panel discussion entitled, “Improving Local Food Systems in the Coachella Valley.”
What is Slow Money?
“Slow Money” is a non-profit organization founded in 2008 and based in Boulder, Colorado with the mission of bringing the flow of capital to local food enterprises and organic farms. Slow Money gatherings nationally have led to more than $40 million being invested in more than 400 food enterprises. The 2015 Slow Money national meeting led to the investment of more than $7 million in 35 businesses.
Woody Tasch, the former Chairman of Investors’ Circle, a nonprofit network of angel investors, venture capitalists, foundations and family offices started Slow Money. The movement started with the publishing of his book, “Into the Nature of Slow Money – Investing as if Food, Farms and Fertility Mattered.”
Slow Money’s goal is to connect investors to the places where they live, creating healthy relationships and new sources of capital for small food businesses. This originates from the believe that companies are too big and finance is too complex. As such, we need to slow our money down and invest as if what we invest in actually matters.
To assist people at investing as if it mattered, Slow Money created Beetcoin as a place where you and I can invest as little as $25 to help local and organic food enterprises find the funding that they need to grow.
If you want to attend the April 27th event, email info@slowmoneysocal.org.