On Monday, April 27th and you are invited!
Speaking will be Phil Noble of Sage Mountain Farms, Jed James of Living Herbs, Michael Wangler of Sky Island Organics and SOL Distributors and Angela Janus of ShareKitchen. The discussion will be about the challenges and opportunities involved in growing and distributing local foods for the local market. Michael Wangler and Randy Olsen, among other local artisans, will be sampling their natural foods lines from Sky Island Organics, Zebra Organics, Herbivore, Ancient Alchemy and Chocolatl.
This gathering is a great chance for you to learn more about our Coachella Valley Food Systems Alliance and meet the farmers, entrepreneurs and business leaders looking to help us all support local business and eat locally.
This event starts at 6:30pm at ShareKitchen located at 68-805 E. Palm Canyon Drive in Cathedral City. For more information or to RSVP, email info@slowmoneysocal.org.
As it relates to local food, ShareKitchen is excited to announce that the local contest creating a logo design for CV FRESH, the local food branding program, enters the voting stage this Wednesday, April 22nd.
Help determine THE LOGO on local foods by voting for your favorite design at www.thedesertsun.com. When voting, remember to use your imagination and pick the logo that you feel best represents the foods and farm products of the Coachella and Imperial Valleys. The winning design will be put into a final form by a graphic designer and then will be used to help all of us identify local foods and produce at grocery stores, retail outlets and restaurants.
The CV Fresh logo project is made possible the USDA Local Food Promotion Program with the goal of increasing consumer awareness of local food. Submissions have been received by a cross-section of Coachella Valley residents including students, professional designers and everyone in between. A big ‘thank you’ and ‘good luck’ to all of the contestants.
Support local food and local jobs in the new food economy! Follow us on Facebook for the latest information on the CV FRESH contest, Slow Money event and the Passport to Health Fair in Downtown Cathedral City on May 2 from 3p-10p. www.facebook.com/ShareKitchen