Observing the calls being dispatched this weekend certainly proved a lack of common sense, civility and what a tender box we truly are in as fireworks and careless acts sparked additional wildfires, homes and even commercial business fires this Fourth of July weekend. Mostly from illegal fireworks. Stop and Think!
Fires raged locally and as far north as the state of Washington, as thousands of acres continued to be destroyed and communities threatened. The worst part about this is we’ve only just begun reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. We have already started a very long, hot and dangerous summer. Stop and Think!
This Fourth of July also proved a spike in lack of common sense and civility being exercised as senseless road rage incidents, shootings and assaults occurred throughout the area. Boating accidents and traffic accidents were also on the rise. More people than ever are not paying attention while texting and driving. Not to mention an increase of hiker related rescue calls from dehydration and unprepared outdoor activities. Stop and Think!
I believe in the importance to stop and think. Play the tape forward before acting upon a thought and determine what could happen or what are potential the consequences of your actions.
If we just “Stop and Think” we might see different outcomes. The choices you make right now, could be harmful and even deadly to yourself and others. Stop and Think!
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna