Under current federal law, people who use marijuana – including those who do so in compliance with state laws – are ineligible for placement in federally-funded housing. Others who are already residing in subsidized housing can be evicted, even if their use is not bothering their neighbors.
Every day people are getting kicked out on the street because of this discriminatory federal policy. Many of these people depend on marijuana to treat medical conditions. These policies often lead to entire families being evicted from federal housing, and result in higher citation and arrest rates for public consumption in marginalized communities.
Legislation is pending in Congress, H.R. 7094 and S. 3671, to prevent cannabis consumers and their families from being denied access to federally funded housing.
The Rohrabacher–Farr amendment, first passed in 2014, prohibits federal prosecution of individuals complying with state medical cannabis laws. It is cruel and unjust to punish the most vulnerable members of society for lawful, responsible cannabis use.
Both the senate and house have duplicate laws that provide an individual who uses marijuana in compliance with State law may not be denied occupancy of federally assisted housing, and for other purposes. Contact your Representative and Senators and tell them to support H.R. 7094 and S. 3671 for the elderly.
Desert Hot Springs California Legislative Update
On February 6th, Desert Hot Springs (DHS) City Council unanimously approved the recommendations of their City Manager, Frank Luckino. Addressing challenges faced by the cannabis community and the City itself, DHS reduces Cannabis Cultivation Tax by over 43%. Luckino’s recommendations included both immediate and long-term suggestions that represent a seismic shift in how the City will work with the cannabis community over the next 5 years and beyond. They include:
- Reduction of the Cannabis Canopy (Cultivation Tax) from $10.20 per sq. ft to $5.75 per sq ft. (reduction of 43.6%);
- Adding an allowance for lost crop; Adding the ability to create consumption spaces; Instituting a monthly tax payment methodology; Creation of an annual Cannabis License renewal fee of $5,770 (excluding dispensaries);
- Requiring connection to Monarch from each entity’s POS system; and
- Limiting the space at dispensaries (500 sq, ft.) for cultivation and not plants
The recommendations made will be incorporated into an ordinance.
Palm Springs California Legislative Update
On February 8th, Palm Springs (PS) City Council will reduce Cannabis Gross Receipts (Retail) Tax by 50% and chooses not to implement a 2% Cannabis Distribution Tax. Other changes include:
- Reduction of the Cannabis Gross Receipts (Retail) tax from 10% to 5%;
- Council’s refusal to reinstate a 2% Cannabis Distribution Tax;
- Explicit removal of the State’s cannabis excise tax from the definition of gross receipts calculations – thus obviating a tax on a tax;
- Inclusion of “cannabis accessories” as subject to the Gross Receipts Tax;
- A 4-year moratorium on any new cannabis retail licenses (licenses in the pipeline will not be affected);
- An allocation of taxes collected for social good and the City’s Social Equity Program;
- Establishing criteria for transfer of retail licenses;
- Recognizing cannabis nurseries as cultivators and taxing nurseries at the Cultivation Tax Rate as opposed to the Gross Receipts Tax Rate (a significant reduction);
- Inclusion of Cannabis Educational Materials in consumption lounges; and
- Non-renewal criteria for inactive licenses.
The recommendations made will be incorporated into an ordinance for final approval.
California Legislative Bills
AB 1775, introduced by assembly Member Haney would clarify that cannabis lounges can sell non-cannabis-infused food and beverages, and also allow them to sell tickets to concerts and other events. Existing law does not specifically allow cannabis dispensaries to sell non-cannabis food products, nor tickets to live music and entertainment, while consumption lounges are prohibited from offering live music and entertainment. This prohibition is arbitrary and unnecessary, with no logical backing from an economic, health, or safety standpoint. Contact Assembly Member Greg Wallis and Senator Kelly Seyarto to express your support for AB1775.
For questions on legislative bills contact hilruth@gmail.com.