By Angela Valente Romeo
Every picture tells a story. It comes as no surprise that Terry Hasting’s work evokes many stories.
Terry is one of the artists to be featured at Palm Springs Art Museum Artist Council Exhibition (ACE). Artists Council Exhibition is an annual juried exhibition and sale of artworks created by Artists Council members. Art works are sold with 50% of the proceeds going to the museum’s educational programs and 50% going to the artist. Works go on sale October 20 through December 6. An awards ceremony will be held on November 7. This year’s juror was Christian Hohmann, Hohmann Gallery, Palm Desert.
Terry’s journey begins in Minnesota. At age four Terry asked his mother what music notes sounded like – from that point on art was in his blood. “I began with piano lessons. I still play piano. I moved on to drums, next voice lesson, followed by speech and finally painting,” said Terry. “The path would have suggested art school. But no, theater major. I embraced theater like my other pursuits – all in. Things change.”
In 2003, Terry began taking photographs. At first it was to save money for photos for a website for his custom clothing line. Soon it became a new passion. Here is where a theater degree really comes in handy.
“I directed performers for stage productions. Why not direct a model/performer for a photoshoot? I thought the concepts are really not very different. I saw my model as a performer and the location as the stage. My theme was the elements – Wind, Fire, Earth and Water. By directing the movement of the model, I can capture the element,” noted Terry.
“Each element intrigues me for different reasons. The four elements represent what is “real”. We need the four elements to survive and each one represents a different part of our lives. Wind is Energy and power. Water is Magic and life. Earth is our Struggle through life, and Fire illuminates the secrets in the dark in a search for Truth. “
I first met Terry when the Wind series first came out. His model became one with colorful fabric taken by the wind. The starkness of the figure against the hash element created a mesmerizing moment. “I admit it is not easy to be my model. I photographed nude male models in very harsh conditions. Wind and sand are very destructive. Their combined beauty can only be enhanced by the most minimal of props – the nude.”
“Although my work has been well received, it is not without controversy. My Water series, I followed the same concept – the element [water], fabrics and a nude model. I also did series within this series using women. The effect I found very ethereal. The women floated beneath surface and their faces were almost dream like. I think that series received more notoriety than the nude. One can never understand how art will affect people!”
For the entry in the ACE show Terry will be showing a photo from the Water series. “I chose this photograph, Into the Abyss, because it causes personal reflection. The body/your body, is floating through space completely untethered from the world. It’s a wondrous journey that lies in front of you as you swim through the universe in search of new worlds and adventure.” The photograph has a mesmerizing quality and the surreal juxtaposition of the figure and the distortion of the water does carry the viewer past the four corners of the piece.
To say that Into the Abyss tells a story fails to do it justice. It is a novel that will be a classic.
To see more of Terry’s work, visit www.TheHastingsGallery.com or Boulevard at 800 N. Palm Canyon in Palm Springs or the Antiques Gallery, 505 E. Industrial PL, Palm Springs.
For more information on the Palm Springs Art Museum ACE show visit www.psmuseum.org/palm-springs/exhibition/artists-council-exhibition-2015.