By Aimee Mosco
This world is filled with peril and we learn from a young age to respond in fear. There is a purpose for this. When there is the threat of danger, fear motivates us to heighten awareness and take actions that keep us safe from impending harm. If we had no fear, many of us would not be here today!
Often times as a course of habit, we humans respond with fear even when there is no mortal danger. We apply the physical world fear response to our emotions, to our beliefs, to our interactions with others and even to the energy that surrounds us. This is problematic in a spiritual context because the energy of fear aligns us with a victim view which cripples us in our ability to exercise creative freedoms.
We are divinely creative beings. We learn through explorations. We cultivate wisdom by collecting knowledge and then applying it. We broaden perspective through experience. We do not do any of these things to their fullest and highest degree when we are contracting from fear. We connect with our divinely appointed power when we our hearts are open.
The dawning of the new era has heightened our senses. We are becoming more aware of the energy that circulates around us, and not all of it feels good. Given that we are creatures of habit, when we sense lower vibrations, our inclination is to respond in fear and throw the shields of protection up. In many cases, this is completely counterproductive because that fear response strips us of our ability to manage that unfavorable energy.
Energy can be transmuted, diverted, neutralized, or reprogrammed, but you must acknowledge your divine power as a commanding force for any of those things to happen. When you deploy protection from energy such as a shield or a block, or you send energy away so it cannot harm you, then you have actually disempowered yourself which is likely the exact opposite of what you intended.
Energy circulating around you that has been generated by a source other than your inner spirit, holds no power over you unless you give your power away. A fear response does just that. It shuts down your divine power. You will maintain your energy field much more effectively if you embrace the belief and knowing that only energy you choose to accept as a divinely powerful being will penetrate the perimeter of your aura. This approach creates a filter that has the same desired effect as a shield, but without the fear.
So, the next time you feel compelled to protect yourself from unsavory energies that circulate about, take a pause. Embrace your divine power. State an intention to allow only love-based frequencies into your aura, and let that powerful filter go to work for you.
Aimee invites you to join her Telegram community DIVINE PURPOSE Discussions to explore the topic of energy. Go to https://t.me/+8XQ9bgCiF0A2YzIx to join these discussions.
Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves as an advisor to global charity organization, World Game-Changers, and as a board member to Coachella Valley Horse Rescue. Visit Aimee at www.ihsunity.com