by Sunny Simon
During this busy month sometimes referred to as the “holidaze,” I find myself wondering how to fit everything in over the next few weeks. Here I sit trying to decide where to pencil in holiday events around my already busy coaching practice and family obligations. You can relate, right? No doubt trying to juggle activities during this busy, joyous season is perplexing to us all. Adding to the scheduling confusion, last week Hanukkah blended into Thanksgiving and some retailers launched Black Friday events on Thursday.
After a few minutes spent trying to sort out the logistical whirlwind, I took a deep breath, smiled and recalled my mother’s voice. The one excuse she never tolerated from me involved accomplishments versus time. Whenever I complained of not having the time to do something, she looked at me quizzically. Her wise retort was if I really wanted to accomplish something, I could find the time. As I reflected once more on my mother’s litany, I realized the key words involved “doing something I really want to do.” Acknowledging her wisdom I mumbled a little “thanks mom” and directed it up through the stars.
The thing I most want to do involves penning a silent night into the December calendar. If invited to an event that conflicts with that date, I will politely decline. My quiet night involves a concerted effort to slow down. I unplug and unwind. The only sound in the house may be the soft background music heralding angels on high. My tradition is to claim one date of solitude in the 12th month to celebrate and reflect on the beauty of this wondrous season. Soft light from glowing candles will be the backdrop when I take some time to work on my spiritual wellness and whisper up a little prayer. Next I will embark on a stroll down holiday lane acknowledging the lovely past memories. At this time of year we are all missing loved ones. What works for me is dedicating time to honor and acknowledge the sweet moments we spent together.
After firmly inking my silent night date on the calendar, I schedule in the cookie swaps, holiday parties, Christmas cantatas and gift exchanges with special friends. Having made room for peace in my heart, I find the time to join in the celebration. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at www.raisethebarhigh.com