Gloria Steinem said, “Women have always been a part of the past. We just haven’t always been a part of history.”
2016 marks the 96th Anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. A right not given freely nor out of benevolence, but a rather a hard fought battle that was won with much blood and perseverance. In honor of women who have paved the way and dared to make changes, it is with great pride & honor that The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project, is presenting the Second annual: ‘WOMEN MAKING HISTORY – A Work in Progress.’ On October 22nd, 10am- 6pm at the Hyatt Palm Springs. Produced by LAWTP Cofounders, Dee Jae Cox and Michele Weiss, Women Making History – a work in progress, is a day long conference ‘Celebrating our history and inspiring our future.’
Through the decades, many things have changed and the advancements for women have been immeasurable, however, it cannot be denied that so many struggles and battles for gender equity are still in progress. Battles such as equal pay in the work place, the right to control our own bodies and fertility, the right to live free from violence and discrimination as a common occurrence and the right to see equal representation of our voices and ideas in government, the media, business, sports and the arts.
It appears that only those women who have dared to break out of the virtuous mold, who became the shakers and the changers, were then noted in the slim pages of history volumes. Some names come easily to mind, others have slipped from memory. These women are frequently forgotten in the writing of ‘his-story’, but should always be acknowledged in the telling of ‘her-story.’
This ‘Appreciate Our History’ day is an empowering event celebrating American women’s past and present accomplishments, showcasing speakers, panels, theater and film.
Keynote speakers include: Dr. SARAH WEDDINGTON, the renowned attorney who successfully argued and won, ROE V. WADE before the Supreme Court. This historic and landmark decision altered the course of women’s lives and health in America. Also, Multi Award winning author and Internationally recognized scholar of lesbian/women’s history, Dr. LILLIAN FADERMAN whose latest book is: ‘The Gay Revolution’ and local author and feminist theologian, DR. PAULA TRIMBLE-FAMILITTI whose book on biblical women, “Prostitutes, Virgins and Mothers,” has opened the door for discussions on women’s representation in religion.
The event will also include: a special theatrical panel titled, ‘Conversations with…’ which will feature actresses in the roles of American Heroines, Alice Paul, Marian Anderson, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, discussing contemporary women’s issues from a unique historical perspective. And feature film: ‘Chisholm ‘72 Unbought & Unbossed’,’ a compelling documentary that follows and examines the 1972 presidential campaign of Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to Congress and the first African American in history to seek a major party presidential nomination.
The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project (LAWTP) was founded in 2007 as a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization that was designed to increase opportunities for women in the performing arts, as well as producing educational opportunities and performances that represent women on a broader scale and that are of interest and benefit to women.
California Woman 411 is our media project, whose mission is to showcase women in the Arts, business, sports, politics and the community.
Date: October 22, 2016 – 10:00am – 6:00pm
Location: The Hyatt Palm Springs – 285 N. Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA
Ticket Cost: $30 (Tickets are non-refundable, but are transferable)
Event Information and Ticket Purchase: www.californiawoman411.com.