By Dr Maria Lombardo
Everyone has heard of Botox but what exactly is it and what can it do for you? With real, noticeable results, no surgery and no recovery time, there are many reasons why BOTOX® Cosmetic has been chosen by millions of patients and their doctors. Discover the proven results that 11 million women and men have experienced. Botulinum toxin (BOTOX®) is a material that has been known for over a century and used for medical purposes for more than 50 years. Its initial medical uses were for treating muscle spasms. In 2002, it was approved for improving and relaxing frown lines in the area between the eyes on the forehead (the glabella) and has been used successfully in millions of patients since that time. A common misconception is that BOTOX® actually paralyzes the muscles in the face. Patients should know that BOTOX® is not used to keep them from expressing themselves but simply to keep them from making facial grimaces and frowns that have become habits and are unintended. When done correctly, most people will not notice that a BOTOX® procedure has been performed but simply that the patient looks more rested or happier.
During the Procedure:
The patient is placed in an upright position and the areas to be injected are cleansed. After this, Dr. Lombardo injects BOTOX® into the desired areas. Typical injection patterns include about 4 or 5 areas on each side of the forehead and 2 or 3 areas on either eye area. More areas can be injected depending on the type of wrinkles and the desired effect for the patient. It is common for pressure to be applied if an area seems to be bleeding after the injection.
After the Procedure
After the injections, the patient should avoid vigorous activity or lying down for 2-4 hours. If bruising is a concern, it will be important for the patient to avoid taking aspirin or related products, such as ibuprofen (e.g., Advil) or naproxen (e.g., Aleve) if possible before the procedure to keep bruising to a minimum. Results will be evident within 3-5 days. The patient should realize that BOTOX® does not actually erase lines but relaxes them. What this means is that deeper lines will become somewhat less deep and superficial lines will nearly disappear. This can be likened to the act of steaming a garment’s wrinkles rather than ironing them.
It may be necessary for the patient to have additional procedures, such as the use of filler substances (e.g., Restylane, Juvederm) in order to plump up the wrinkles that are now relaxed. Additionally, it may be necessary to have 2 or 3 sessions of BOTOX® treatment for deeper wrinkles before results become optimal. Botox is not for use in patients who are allergic to eggs or if the patient is pregnant.
Effects tend to last in most people for up to 3-6 months. As time passes, the muscle activity will gradually return to normal. Results can vary depending on who is performing the injection on the patient. It is very important to go to a physician who is experienced at this procedure, does it herself (rather than having a nurse, physician’s assistant [PA], or other nonphysician do it), and has a good reputation for performing this type of procedure. The manufacturers of BOTOX® recommend physicians inject the medication themselves. At Lombardo Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Maria Lombardo does all of the injections personally. Call for our appointment today!