Start Your New Food Business in 2015 with ShareKitchen and the CVWBC
Interested in turning your favorite family recipes into a business? Love to throw parties and thinking about catering? Whatever your business idea, ShareKitchen and the Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center are here to help you.
Take a look inside ShareKitchen Cathedral City at our monthly information workshop on Monday, December 8th from 6:00p – 7:30p. Ask everything you have ever wanted to know about starting or growing a food business and learn what steps you need to take to get your small food business off the ground in 2015. Reserve your $15 seat for this workshop online today at: www.ShareKitchen.org
Decided you’re ready to take that next step? Let Kim Scanlan and the CVWBC help you get there with their workshop “The ABC’s of Starting Your Own Business” on December 10th from 5:30p – 7:30p. This workshop is designed to help pre-venture entrepreneurs like you explore the right business entity formation, business plan development and funding opportunities. Located at the CVWBC offices: 77-806 Flora Road Suite A, Palm Desert – RSVP for this FREE Workshop online: www.cvwbc.org
Share Some Holiday Cheer
It’s a PARTY! Come celebrate the holidays at ShareKitchen with the Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center on December 11th from 5:30p – 7:30p. Join us for a celebration of women in business! Spend time with some of our favorite success stories and one of our most beloved and motivational speakers, Debbie Frazer, in the cozy confines of ShareKitchen, enjoying hors d’oeuvres, sparkling conversation, and the warmth of an evening of shared triumphs. Let’s explore what motivates women to success, what helps them to achieve it and what keeps them on top once they attain it. Be educated, motivated and inspired – but make those connections, too; that’s what networking is all about! This year’s holiday reception will feature delectable delights by ShareKitchen’s own Que Mami Organics, Love is a Way of Life, CV BBQ and more. RSVP Required – $15 online registration: www.cvwbc.org or 760-345-9200