By Lisa Morgan
TKB Bakery and Deli will be hosting a Toy Drive Mixer, this Thursday, December, 18th at 6:30pm. Admission is $20 and a new, unwrapped, toy. All of the donations will be going to the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission. Organizer and co-owner of TKB Bakery & Deli, Melina Sipple, shared the story of how they started the family owned and operated business and what drew her heart to provide for the less fortunate.
“My brothers, Brandon and Nathan, and I started the company in 1994 in Rancho Mirage, selling cookie dough door-door. Now we service grocery stores across Los Angeles and Arizona and also the Coachella Valley. We are known in the valley for our retail Sandwich shop. We love our community and love giving back.”
“I was invited to the CV Weekly ‘Best Of’ Awards dinner. One of the awards was for a local charity called Street Life Project. The founder, Christian Jelmberg, got up to speak about lives being changed because they were reaching out to the homeless under bridges and on the streets. I was so moved I had to be part of it. Now, every Tuesday, TKB Bakery works to put meals together for Street Life Project to take to Miles Avenue Park where they feed them and talk with them, seeing what they can do to help them start a new life off the streets. You would be amazed at the stories and the number of people who are affected.”
Melina lives half of the time in Los Angeles and half of the time here in the desert. “It’s the best of both worlds,” she says. “But being part of Street Life Project has changed my life. Now, when I am in LA, I am making sure we are doing some of the same things for the homeless there.” This, she shared, is what inspired her to organize this fundraiser for Coachella Valley Rescue Mission. You are invited to join Melina and her family for a night filled with love, laughter and delicious TKB food, while you support organizations that truly are loving people back to life.
Also, Melina has a huge need every Tuesday, to help with the huge task of putting meals together for the Miles Avenue Park Street Life Project. You are invited to join her efforts at the TKB Bakery every Tuesday at 4pm.
For questions regarding the event or volunteering, you can send an email to 2SHAREYOURHEART@GMAIL.COM, or call one of the following numbers: 760-907-9033 OR 760-219-7770
TKB Bakery is located at 44911 Golf Center Parkway, Indio, CA
Click Here for the TKB Facebook Page