By Bronwyn Ison
After considerable thought I decided the topic of vulnerability should be explored. Did you know that being vulnerable is exceptionally difficult for most people? To be vulnerable means to remove your mask. Removing your mask will mean that everyone will truly see who you are. Frightening, right? Being your self doesn’t demand a fearful result.
As our lives progress we learn with each experience. If you desire true and fulfilling relationships it’s time to let your light shine. It is time to begin living the extraordinary life you are supposed to living. Being vulnerable will preclude pretending to be something you are not. Hiding behind closed doors can become exhausting and personally labor intensive. Don’t you have enough to worry about? It is possible you have been vulnerable in your past and were hurt. However, you learned from this experience. You may have said to yourself, “I will never place myself in a vulnerable position again.” Don’t let one or more exposures break your spirit from being you.
Have you thought to yourself, “If he/she knew the real me they may not like or accept me?” Be honest, we’ve all encountered this thought. Projecting yourself to the world in how you think you should be is an act. Getting off the stage will be liberating. When you cease judging yourself you will be set free. We are our own worst critics. We constantly find fault with ourselves. Suggestion: change or accept who you are. Transformation will commence when you stop lying to yourself. Your view on life becomes one of love and connection. Your self-esteem and relationships become strengthened. Overall it is a win-win situation.
Be cognizant that your vulnerability should be expressed with sincerity. Divulging information about your self so someone will sympathize or feel sorry for you is a form of manipulation. Don’t express or use vulnerability as a technique to get your way. To be vulnerable is to relinquish control, not a tool for further control. Also, emotionally vomiting on someone is unattractive. Spilling everything into somebody’s lap can be relieving to you but needy and painful for the recipient. You are sharing with your friend or partner and should not expect them to fix you. If he/she lends advice or wants to help from a genuine position then it is up to you to accept the offer or not.
Psychologist Robert Glover says: “Humans are attracted to each other’s rough edges.” You don’t have to be perfect. It is healthy to show your rough edges. Being able to expose and share your self without inhibition is attractive. If you find rejection as least you know in your soul you were true to yourself. Best of all when you find a woman/man who can reveal this side of them selves… revel in the beauty of the relationship.
Bronwyn Ison is the Owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com