By Karen Creasey
So you want to get fit, but you don’t like to run, you don’t know how to swim, and you don’t have a bike or a gym membership. What other options are there? You enjoy the outside, but finances are tight and your job limits your time. Sound familiar? Sometimes it is just easier to not do anything even though your conscience and the scale continues to remind you that you should do something.
The good news is you can get fit without needing a lot of time, money or special equipment. It is possible to lose weight, strengthen and tone your muscles, improve your cardio respiratory system and perk up your mood by simply taking a walk.
It is true; you really can walk your way into fitness. It is so easy – and it works! Studies have found that the same energy used for moderate-intensity walking and vigorous-intensity running resulted in similar health benefits. All you have to do is lace up a good pair of sneakers, wear some comfortable clothes – and walk! There is nothing more to it than that. It is inexpensive, safe and has a very low exercise dropout rate.
If you can, set aside 30 minutes a day to walk. If can’t take that much time, consider breaking it up into two 15 minute sessions or three 10 minute sessions throughout the day. The key is to start. Before you know it brisk walking will become a part of your routine and you will be reaping the health benefits.
The toughest thing about starting a workout plan is developing the habit. A habit begins with discipline and consistency. Walk every day. Incorporate it into your schedule. Start off simply. Park a distance away from the front door and walk to the entrance. Take your lunch break and walk around the block. Meet a friend at the park and take a brisk walk together. And then increase your efforts as you go. Pick up your walking pace so your heart gets pumping. Get a pedometer and count your steps. Add hills and rugged terrain to your routine.
Getting fit does not have to be difficult. Walking is easy – and it works! For more fit tips call Karen 760-565-7467 or come by the Palm Desert Aquatic Center.