Produced By Tiar’a Literary & Illustration
For several years there has been a new wave of medical and cosmetic interest that is reaching a fever pitch. Here, in our gorgeous Coachella Valley, health and wellness have been on the tips of tongues, and in the thoughts of many for decades. After all, the Coachella Valley, its dry heat, epic landscape, and opportunity to exercise almost anywhere, is a safe-haven for any persons looking to halt, or turn back the hands of time.
In La Quinta, a new era is dawning as, Care Esthetics of La Quinta, and Dr. Arek are now delivering their expertise to our ever-expanding health-conscious community. From Botox to fillers, to procedures, skin treatments, and hormone replacement therapy.
Health, wellness, and cosmetics are not just skin deep as many health and wellness advocates will have you believe. Optimal health is far more intricate. Furthermore, there are far more nuances to individual’s health and wellness plans than mere blood test results, as Dr. Arek informs us.
“We don’t just look at numbers from a blood test, because what might be high for one person may be just right for someone else.” – Dr. Arek | Care Esthetics
Modern mainstream medicine employs numbered charts to decide an individual’s health. Yet, holistic medicine dictates that for one person to become optimally healthy, they need a specific, tailored made and supervised plan that suits their mind, their temperament, and their life’s objectives. One scale, or one blood test result does not fit all.
Speaking of fitting all, at Care Esthetics they utilize a specialized weight loss program which is a fundamental approach to help clients obtain their desired results.
Dr. Arek comes to us from the big city of bright lights and movie stars – Beverly Hills, California. A board-certified internal medicine M.D., Dr. Arek is no stranger to working under intense pressure to obtain the highest quality results.
The consensus is in. Would you like to look, feel, and act younger? Our world today demands far more than it did thirty years ago, and so remaining optimal, while having a knowledgeable doctor who lives and understands the modern demographic is the only approach you need to consider when contemplating cosmetics, health, and wellness.