The Coachella Valley is and will forever be laced with health and wellness. The warmer temperatures, the drier heat, the enhanced laid-back state of existence, all these as well as other attributes work in tandem to create a more harmonious us.
Starkie Sowers, a bio-chemistry major, and Coachella Valley personality, has been sowing seeds of health and wellness for over four decades. During his teen years, Starkie pursued a career in competitive bodybuilding. Training beside the likes of IFBB professional bodybuilders Troy Zuccolotto, who later competed in Vince McMahon’s WBF (World Bodybuilding Federation), to Rory Leidelmeyer, and others. As Starkie’s physique progressed toward its natural limits, he then began weighing his options as it related to; pursuing anabolic steroid use to further his competitive aspirations, to those of maintaining good health and longevity. Fortunately for the Coachella Valley, and Starkie’s health, he chose the path of longevity.
Four decades ago, one of Rancho Mirage’s standouts for all things health and wellness, Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market, a family-owned and operated health market, had recently opened their doors for business. This was during the time of our golden coast’s fitness boom. The beaches of Venice, California were loitered with the likes of a young and future Mr. Olympia, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the imposing star of the 1980’s TV series, The Incredible Hulk, Lou Ferrigno.
Starkie’s passion for health supplements, organic foods, and anti-aging led him to become a frequent customer of Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market. What began as a young fitness and health enthusiast spending his money within the halls of the Clark’s store, turned into a career, and a close to five-decades long friendship with the entire Clark’s family.
Starkie now found himself well-rooted within the fitness industry both on a personal and professional level. Prior to his involvement with Clark’s, he had worked for his dad’s gymnasium, and had become more than accustomed to interacting with those who desire to condition their bodies to pinnacle conditioning. Adding Clarks’ internal and scientific approach to health and wellness, lent Starkie the remainder of the tools he needed to officially become Clarks’ go-to for bodybuilders, fitness, and other wellness enthusiasts for meal plans, nutrition, and supplemental advice.
Starkie additionally played a substantial role in assisting Clark’s with the marketing and sales of their gym equipment. At one time, Clark’s supplied a multitude of gyms with their equipment from Santa Barbara to San Diego, and the Desert Valley.
As the health and wellness sector evolved, so too did Starkie and Clark’s interest in offering yet further assistance to customers. Upon opening their Rancho Mirage store in the early 2000’s, Clark’s incorporated their initiative of adding Nutritional Consultants to their repertoire of benefits. Nutritional Consultants offer customers the ability to speak with highly trained and educated consultants on the shop floor during normal business hours and at no-extra charge.
For those who enjoy early morning television, Starkie can be seen on KMIR on Wednesday’s during his Wellness Wednesday episodic. The show focuses on educating viewers about the importance, and the basics of how to utilize nutrition and supplementation to help better create a healthier lifestyle.
Keep tuned to Starkie and Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market in the coming months. Alongside the Rancho Mirage store’s upcoming make-over, Starkie will also be involved in a new digital media venture in which he, and co-host, will deliver high-quality podcasts streaming across Clark’s website and YouTube, starring bodybuilding, fitness, and other sports personalities.