If it has been decreed by Governmental proclamation, it must be true, right? September is California Wine Month, didn’t you know? Wine has become so vital to California, that it deserves a whole month. At least according to our Governor.
There’s been a lot of controversy on the health benefits of wine from protecting your heart health and lowering breast cancer risk to fighting off colds and gum disease, red wine is touted as a medicinal super-food. “But before you crack open that bottle and toast your good health, here is what the experts say, says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.”
Is wine fattening? Actually, researchers say they’ve found a compound in red wine and grapes that block immature fat cells’ ability to develop and grow. “I’m not sure I buy that says Chief Sam DiGiovanna. Maybe it’s the foods I eat with wine that makes my pants tighter? My fat cells seem to be maturing!” Will wine reduce blood pressure? There is research on the heart health benefits of a daily glass (or two) of red wine, but researchers discovered the antioxidants in wine that account for the benefits don’t reduce blood pressure. “I’m not sure about that one either. I feel pretty relaxed after a glass of wine… But I never check my blood pressure when I’m having a glass of wine. That’s the last thing I’m thinking of…” Can I get the health benefits of wine from drinking grape juice? Maybe: Some research studies suggest that red and purple grape juices may provide some of the same heart benefits of red wine, including reducing the risk of blood clots, reducing so-called bad cholesterol, and preventing damage to blood vessels in the heart. “Hmmm… Grape juice or wine? Wine the Heck Wouldn’t I!”
I guess it depends on “who and when” you talk to regarding the benefits of wine. Maybe we’ll never really know but it is something worth looking into!
For more benefits of wine visit: http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/10-health-benefits-of-red-wine.html
One thing IS important: Always Drink Responsibly!
Cheers! Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna